Getting rid of fish...


Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2004
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I have a 29 gallon tank with 2 convicts, a pleco, and a blood parrot. I've had these fish together for a year or two (except the pleco, added him about a month ago.) I also have a 10 gallon tank with guppies in it. There is no possible way that I could get another tank. My question is, have any of you guys (or girls..) ever gave/sold fish to the LFS because you were bored of them?

Edit: I was thinking of restocking the 29 gallon.

Also, maybe I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure I can't add anything to my tank all my fish are around 2-4 inches, and they have plenty of swimming room.
Ask the LFS if they will take them off of your hands (perhaps a trade) as you are redoing your tank and they wont fit in with your new plans. They quite often will oblige. :)
Off topic here.... I have the radio on, and your little spiderman avatar is dancing perfectly in beat to Blue Monday by New Order. its crazy. lol
i actually do this often....... have one lfs that will take fish and give 1/2 to 1/3 selling price in store credit for the fish. allows me to try out new fish. and if they weren't quite what i wanted, i take them back, they get sold to someone else,a nd i get to try some new fish out....................
I do this all the time, but it depends on the shop. I have run into some that will not take fish from customers, even if you are trying to give them away. However, most are like ones MAM was describing, they know how it is to be in our shoes, they're probably there now themselves. Don't screw them over with something they will not be able to re-sell or with a sick fish that will infect the rest of their stock. "Do unto the LFS as you would have the LFS do unto you". :D

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