Getting Ready To Put Some New Fish In

May 16, 2007
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My tank has been up and running for just over a week now, i'm hopeful that the tank will be cycled within the next 7-10 days.

At the moment i have 5 zebra danios in my tank, they seem to be doing well, i know they are strong fish and probably one of the best fish to use if your cycling your tank with fish.

Also i have a very powerful filter for my tank which set me back £80. and it can handle more and messier fish.

My tank is a 200 litre and i've been thinking about the fish that i want to put into the tank and i am just wondering whether these fish will be compatible together:

5 Zebra Danios
5 Rasboras
3 Angels
3 Glass Catfish
1 Dwarf Gourami
3 Kulhi Loaches
2 Bolivian Rams
1 Candy Striped Pleco
2 Clown Loaches

Thanks :D
5 Zebra Danios
5 Rasboras
3 Angels
3 Glass Catfish
1 Dwarf Gourami
3 Kulhi Loaches
2 Bolivian Rams
1 Candy Striped Pleco
2 Clown Loaches

Personally I would get some corry's instead of the clown loaches - clowns grow big and prefer to be in shoals of 6 or more.

I think from memory glass cat's also prefer to be in shoals, and if the CS Pleco grows as big as common pleco's then it will become too big for the tank.
Thanks for your reply :D, I've read that it is ok to keep 2 clown loaches but 5 or 6 in a group is recommended, regarding the candy striped pleco, i looked on this website and it says they grow to 10cm so they dont get that big.
That case the plec will be fine (just couldn't remember the size - so many different plecs from about 4 inch to 14+)... the clown's I'm still not sure on due to the potential size for them...

Clown's can grow to 16 inches - 12 though (just about 30cm) is more usual.

Normal recommendation is 75 gallon tank for them as adults - and they are fast growing.
My tank has been up and running for just over a week now, i'm hopeful that the tank will be cycled within the next 7-10 days.

At the moment i have 5 zebra danios in my tank, they seem to be doing well, i know they are strong fish and probably one of the best fish to use if your cycling your tank with fish.

Also i have a very powerful filter for my tank which set me back £80. and it can handle more and messier fish.

My tank is a 200 litre and i've been thinking about the fish that i want to put into the tank and i am just wondering whether these fish will be compatible together:

5 Zebra Danios
5 Rasboras
3 Angels
3 Glass Catfish
1 Dwarf Gourami
3 Kulhi Loaches
2 Bolivian Rams
1 Candy Striped Pleco
2 Clown Loaches

Thanks :D

in a couple of cases you may want to rethink your numbers a little. eg; glass catfish are a very shy fish. they also do well in groups of about 5-6. ive had less in my tank and i never see them. i put in a group of 6 and they are always out hanging around where they can be seen. safety in numbers ;)

also with the glass catfish, they can be spooked by the danios boisterous, 'flitty' behaviour. over time this could cause stress. i had danios for a while and ended up taking them into the shop (my lfs) as they were upsetting the glassies.

kuhli loaches are awesome to have but once again to see true behaviour, a larger group is needed. if you have only a couple you will forget you even have them. id say 4 would be better at the very least. i have 8 in my 75g and they are verrrrry entertaining. on the other hand i have 3 in a different tank and i so rarely see them i almost forget they are there.

im in two minds about the clown loaches. everywhere you read something about clowns they say to keep them in large groups but this is what i have observed with my own. at first i got one as that was all i could afford on the day (sucks when you leave your purse at home and your rummaging through the car trying to find spare change to buy a fish lol) anyhoo, i put him in the tank and he was awesome. he was swimming around everywhere and eating and even trying to interact with the other fish. he was doing really really well until we had a heater malfunction and he died :( next one i got was a little more reserved and spent a lot of time just hanging out at the bottom. my fish wholesaler finally had a sale on clown so i bought a bunch for the shop and a few for me. the first day i added one more and they didnt seem to click very well as they hung out sulking in opposite ends of the tank. the next day i bought home 3 more. now they are all in a little group running around like they own the joint lol they are very cool. so on one hand i had one who seemed uber happy on his own then one that didnt...then personality issues...then finally jackpot with the added guys. just something to think about

be careful with your dwarf gouramis. they carry a disease specific to dwarfs which usually means they end up with a significantly shorter life than the average gourami.
Thanks for all your replies, they are very helpful :D, something i forgot to mention was that i would like a flying fox as well but i'm not sure what they are like aggressive wise, i've read on a few sites that they keep themselves to themselves.

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