Getting new fish.

i said it was stupid to get rid of one if they school. thats just saying theres no point because they do get together. I was also asking y no tetras or schooling fish would fit in the tank. I dont think that thats not listing to what you said and doing what I want anyways, its aking a question on what you said, i didnt know that you couldnt do that. And it say ALWAYS school, I was just saying that they dont.

Rasboras only need a 10, and I herd that they always school. do they really?
Why no tetras? Because you are already pushing the reasonable stocking limits of a 15 gallon tank. You could get tetras if you didn't have the other fish. Cories should be kept with their own species, and some of them get pretty big, hence the recommendation to stick with panda cories and return the other to make room for other fish. Some tetras only school when threatened, some tetras school all the time, i think rummynose tetras are known for that, and harlequin rasboras are as well.
but the pandas get bigger then the other kind i have. And corys do school with eachother even if they arent the same kind.

So in my 15 i have ( just figuring out inch of fish to gallon thing )
1 platty- 1.5 inches
2- gouramis - 8 inches ( ones moving)
2 cories - 5 inches

14.5 inches if you do go by that rule, but some people count corries as one.

so then it would be 12 inches, and if i got ride of one of the gouramis, that would be 8 inches. So thats 8 inches of fish in 15 gallons. That does give me 7 inches left of fish to get. So if I got another 2 corries, that would be say another two inches, so it would be 10 inches,

arent there any tetras or rasboros that stay only one inch long that i could get? I kinda want a schooling fish, apart from the corries.
You must consider adult lengths, not current lengths. Platies are about 2.5". Panda cories are in the 1.5" to 2" range iirc. Many other cories grow to 3" or 4" depending on species. The gouramis will be about 4" each. That's maxed out with the fish you have. You can't not count the cories, they still contribute to bioload, the panda less so than whatever the other one is probably. Do you know which cory your other one is? The smallest tetras are about 1.5" at adult length, but they are so slim bodied that they don't contribute much bioload and you could pretend they were 1" for stocking purposes. But that is only the very small tetras like neons or glowlights. Harlequins are more like 2". If i were you, i'd return all the large fish, get a dwarf gourami that only gets to 2", and stock the rest of the tank with a single type of small schooling fish.

The real issue here is that you want to have a wide variety of fish, but your tank is tiny. Perhaps you can start saving your pennies or ask for a larger tank (say, 55 gallons) for your birthday or whatever. Maybe your mom would let you have a bigger one if you agreed to do more chores, i dunno.
lol, my mom said no more tanks, she thinks they r a waste of money for the fish. but i think my aunt is getting my brother a 55, but he says hes going to put an oscar in there, just the one fish!! which is SO stupid if ya ask me, but the lfs said it would be ok to keep it in a 55 for 6 months, but what will he do with it then? rrrrrr
i have the mony for a bigger one but not sure if im able to spend it because i need a car, but i hate to drive. i though red wag sonly got 1.5 inches. well the cory is gray. i thought it was an anueous cory, but i saw some kind of cory w/an e name which mine look just like that only get to be about 1.5 inches. I am moving the gourami though.

they are at adult sizes, well the goldone is, but the blue one is small, maybe it its a dwarf. but it is a girl so i dont think so. but it minght be because the lfs i got it from has like every FW fish you can think of, even rare ones, and some SW 2.

and those were the adult sizes i listed, lol. i dont know if i do want anymore gouramis though. theyre kinda boring.

and you dont always have to go with that rule tough. I think as long as the fish have room to swim and they have hidding places its fine, just not like 50 fish in a 10, then yeah thats bad, unless theyre fry.

and your tank doesnt go by that rule, right? cardinals get to 2 inches and rams 3, so its kinda more then what it should, so i dont get y if others do it, y cant i put more fish in mine 2? and mines not tiny, its medium!! lol, mines only 5 gallons less then yours. but 5 gallons is probly alot to fish.
anyone else feel like wrs is playing a game of internet cards?
he tries one hand (group of fish) with obviously no knowledge of what he is getting into, then messes up big time,
presses "undo" (eliminates the fish in one way or another) and is on to the next hand, once again with no knowledge.........

i'm sorry wrs but i get this vibe from you that your fish are disposable,
when you get tired of one your on to the next
returing or killing those you've grown tired of

well its one step in the right direction asking questions on this site, but without the other foot (actually LISTENING and DOING as others from the site advice) you'll fall flat on your @ss :lol:

oh well, i guess returning is more mature then masacring :p
jk ;)
Yes wrs, i will have 32 inches of fish in the tank at maturity. I'm an experienced fishkeeper and i have a canister filter on the tank. According to a surface area calc, a beginner could keep 30" of fish in my tank since it is a 20 long. I'm not a beginner. The cardinals are small bodied and don't produce a lot of bioload, and i only asked for 10, but i ended up with 13 in the bag. I wasn't going to return 3 of them, and a few will probably die before the rams reach their adult size. I keep an eye on my nitrate levels and perform weekly water changes. If that's not sufficient i can up my water changes a bit or give a few cardinals away to my roomies. At any rate, i'm not the one posting asking if i can squeeze more fish into my fully stocked tank.
ponty kittye your r being rediculus. th eonly reason you saying anything is because of the molly. that was over with and ppl. said i was imature, but you people are the that keep talking about that!

oh and yes i mess up big time because i had a bad molly. i resurch my fish. i know what im doing. im not some stupid 3yr old that has no idea of what im doing.

ive never killed or returned a fish that I got tired of. I have some fish still that i dont like. The only reason i would ever get rid of a fish is because its mean. Now the gourami is mean so im taking it back to the store. Im sorry yet again if saving the other fish is being bad by returning one. And you dont even know what your talking about. Youre not me and dont know what i do with the fish I have. So stop talking about it like you do!And you actually seemed nice before, now i know that you really arent.
wrs said:
ponty kittye your r being rediculus. th eonly reason you saying anything is because of the molly. that was over with and ppl. said i was imature, but you people are the that keep talking about that!

oh and yes i mess up big time because i had a bad molly. i resurch my fish. i know what im doing. im not some stupid 3yr old that has no idea of what im doing.

ive never killed or returned a fish that I got tired of. I have some fish still that i dont like. The only reason i would ever get rid of a fish is because its mean. Now the gourami is mean so im taking it back to the store. Im sorry yet again if saving the other fish is being bad by returning one. And you dont even know what your talking about. Youre not me and dont know what i do with the fish I have. So stop talking about it like you do!And you actually seemed nice before, now i know that you really arent.
OMG :rofl:
you are too much
ok, mr.sensitive

to quote what i said at the end of the post
means "just kidding"
take it easy cowboy
don't get your panties in a bunch :lol:
i was pulling yer leg
i read other people still going on about
the molly thing so i was exadurating

GAWD :rofl:
it is WAY too easy to bug you
take a joke :p
not when its amean one.

and i put my gouramis in my brothers tank. so now there is just the corries and a plattie. I was thinking of taking his zebra danio because its really nice. He only has the one because the store didnt tell him that he needed 6 of them, just like his black finned tetra, well he did have 2 of those but one was sick.

so are danios okay?
so there is just a cory and platies in your tank?
yes then the zebra danio would be fine (providing that you KNOW it is a community fish)
zebra danios can be little bullies depending on the specific fish
my brother has one and it is nice. Its a zebra danio. But i could always get tetras instead if danios would hurt my fish in there now.
If I were you I would get 2 more of the same type of danios, wait and see if they get on and then adjust. danios tend to get lonely if kept on their own. even if that ones doesnt appear lonely now, it will soon show signs.
i think its kinda lonley because it hides, but i think it likes his tetra.
if u want activity in ur tank get zebras...atleast 3 ...the very minimum should be 2. But if u want looks u prolly need to look at cardinal tetras or cherry barbs.

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