Getting new fish.


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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Tommoro im going to return some dead fish to walmart. Thankfully I called yesturday and they didnt all speak English, so I dont think they know about the return policy. So i know im getting 1-2 more corries. And I was thinking about a platy, but not sure. Any Ideads of fish to get for my 15 gallon? I think im getting a betta another betta for my old betta bowl as well. ( just love those bettas, lol )
wrs said:
Tommoro im going to return some dead fish to walmart. Thankfully I called yesturday and they didnt all speak English, so I dont think they know about the return policy. So i know im getting 1-2 more corries. And I was thinking about a platy, but not sure. Any Ideads of fish to get for my 15 gallon? I think im getting a betta another betta for my old betta bowl as well. ( just love those bettas, lol )
just 1 question how did your fish die ??? did you put him in feezing water. or stabbed it w/the net. or took him out of water, took away the air stone.???????

I dont think you should get any more fish !!!!!!!!

could a molly live in an old betta bowl ????
wrs said:
Tommoro im going to return some dead fish to walmart. Thankfully I called yesturday and they didnt all speak English, so I dont think they know about the return policy. So i know im getting 1-2 more corries. And I was thinking about a platy, but not sure. Any Ideads of fish to get for my 15 gallon? I think im getting a betta another betta for my old betta bowl as well. ( just love those bettas, lol )
I'm trying really hard not to tell you what I think. :no:
A few questions for you....

What do you already have in the 15 gallon?

What did the other fish die from?

Are you planning on putting two bettas together?!?!
no, the molly killed it. get over that subject.
no, the molly killed it. get over that subject.

:lol: :lol: k...over it...sorry to drudge up this subject...some things were just a little unclear to me. So the molly killed the betta or fish in the 15 gallon? Bear with me, I'm a little lost. You had them both in a betta bowl? How big was the bowl? I wouldn't put a molly and a betta in a "betta bowl". A molly shouldn't be in a betta bowl anyway.

If the dead fish you're returning were from the 15 gallon, I wouldn't get anymore until you have an idea what caused their death.
Hehe I understand what you are saying. I would add some more mollies, or if you afraid of them breeding maybe some platties of the same sex.
that wasnt directed at u, lol. the top postes. The bettas would be in thyre own little homes. Definetly no with he moliies, theyre just to mean for my other fish.
And no, there was no molly in a betta bowl, no idea why that person said that.
I would go for The Cories and A New Betta.
Im definetly getting some of those, byt what about schooloing/shoaling fish that ALWAYS stay together. Are there anyof those? I know tetras do it sometimes, but my brother has some and they never school at all.
Being generous with adult lengths, you could add 2 panda cories to the 15 gallon. That's about it unless you remove more fish. You've got 2 gouramis in a small tank, that will probably cause problems and it is ~much~ more likely that one of the gouramis is responsible for your betta's death than the molly, and you stated before that you didn't actually see it happen, you just assumed it was the molly based on previous observations, then basically tortured the poor molly to death in retribution. Bettas and gouramis are closely related and will often try to kill each other, especially in such a small tank. You've got 2 kinds of solo cories and they need to school. You don't have room for a school of tetras.

I'd say, return one of the gouramis, one of the cories, and maybe the platy too if you want to make some room. Then buy like 3 more of whatever cory you keep (and i think you should keep the panda since they stay small) and then you could fit a small school of something like harlequin rasboras or glowlights.
the gouramis werent in the tank, i know they dont get along so i took them out. theyre actually moving soon, or im returning one becuse its kinda mean to the other. So i was definetly the molly. And it want tourture, if u read the all the posts you would know that but some people only read what they want then make assumptions based on what they read. and the corys do school so i wouldnt return them, thats stupid to return one when it stays with the other, and i got the non panda first and i wouldnt get rid of it for no reason at all. And i dont see why theres no room for a school because theres only 5 fish, and im returning a gourami so it would only be 4 then.

and anyways tetras dont school alwyas, only when they feel threatened.
So what is the point of anyone answering your questions when you refuse to listen and just do whatever you want anyway?

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