Getting New 55 Gal Tank, Need Help Stocking


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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I'd like to maybe get 1 Arrowana, as these are really cool looking fish! I'd like to know what else I could stock in my tank and roughly how many. I do like cichlids, angels, pleco's, corydora's, im just not sure what can be mixed w/ this fish. I'm sure the cory's an angels cannot but what about larger cichlids? I'm open to ANY stocking ideas but id like some bigger fish this time around. Thanks for any help!
hello, anyone? :/ I may be getting a 75 gal instead. help needed!
the minimum size tank for arowanas is 200 gallons. Do not put them in a 55 gallon or 75 gallon. And if you do get one the only thing that can go with them would be one common pleco. :)
ok, ill forget about the arowana, what other BIG fish can i get to go in a 75 gallon tank? I'm not big on oscars, id like to get something colorful and attractive!
Hi. Probably the best thing for you to do is to go to your local store and have a look at fish to see what you like. Then come back here just like you have and ask people about it. As you can tell, people won't be shy in telling you that a particular fish won't work.

Good luck.
:) You could get angel fish. maybe some bala sharks. Also clown loaches. You could get a pleco. :)
spiney eels are pretty cool. :)
Balas and clowns usually end up needing 100+ gallons as they like to be in schools and get pretty big.

I'd go for A Senegal bichir(it'll grow 8 inches to a foot long)

An African Brown Knife

Peacock eels.


I'm bias cause that's my future set up.
Gankutsuou are you Obsessed with Bichirs :p I would be too if I could find them at any of my LFS.

I would go for African Butterfly's, Bichirs or eels...similiar to what Gankutsuou said :D
Nahh, Senegals suck compared to Ropefish :hey:

If it were me, I would get a bunch of Needle-Nose Gars. Probably amoung the coolest fish I've seen.

Or perhaps a few Snakeheads? I forget what the name of the ones that you can put together was...

Arowana is way too big for 55 gal get some angles and loaches

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