I have looked on every online store I can find, and cannot find them anywhere. I asked my LFS maybe 6 months ago if they would be getting more, and they said they didn't know, it would just depend on what their supplier had. They took my name and phone number and said they would give me a call if they got more. Fast forward half a year, I still can't find any. There are 4 actual pygmy cories in there with them right now, I know it isn't ideal but it is the best I can do. And about their name, I've found it easier, in terms of stocking, size, and bioload, to refer to them as pygmy cories here on the forum, since they're one of the pygmy varieties and people have just seemed to have an easier time understand. Sorry if I am confusing
When I search for them online or ask specific questions about them I use "Tail spot pygmy cories" "Dwarf Cory" "Cory hastatus" "pygmy cory hastatus" "tail spot cory". It isn't that I am not trying to find more or simply not wanting to spend the money on a larger school, its that there are genuinely none for sale anywhere right now