Getting Little Cory's To Breed


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
Do little Cory’s, such C Pygmaeus, Habrosus & Hastatus have the same spawning triggers as other Cory’s? The thing is I can get C Aeneus to spawn by dropping the water temp & conditioning with live foods but not my little Cory’s despite them clearly full of eggs. Has any one any advice please.
What type of little cory do you have. C. Pygmaeus are said to be one of the easiest corys to breed. A few rate them easier than a Bronze Cory. I'm quite sure that dwarf cories have the same triggers as that of their larger cousins. You say your females look full of eggs, that may be the case but are the males mature?
I have all three of the little cory's mentioned above i would say the Habrosus are mature & probaly the pygmaeus but the hastatus are are fairly new & are still tiny.
Hi The-Lion :)

Sometimes it's just a matter of having to wait until they are ready. This is true of most corys, although if we can provide the right environment it might trick some of them into thinking it's a good thing to do. I don't think it's necessary to do much to help the dwarfs along if they are ready.

You might also tinker with things such as plants and water movement to see if it helps.

Good luck! :D

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