Fish Crazy
I've had 3 x peppered cory's for 2 weeks and 3 x albino corys for a few days now. The peppereds have settled in really well and go about their normal business in the sand and occasionally pop up to the surface then back down. But last night as I was falling asleep two of my peppereds went crazy for a little while. I know very little about cory breeding as I'm new to fishkeeping but I've read a little today. But they were flying around all over the tank with one chasing the other and they appeared to be getting into the T position but only for a split second or two. Is that long enough? I've been at work since early this morning and am just going home now so I don't know if there are any eggs in the tank. How long does she take to lay them?
So were they getting it on big style, they did sneak up by the filter for a little while, obviously because they didn't appreciate me watching!! Or were they just messing around?
So were they getting it on big style, they did sneak up by the filter for a little while, obviously because they didn't appreciate me watching!! Or were they just messing around?