4 of mine are from lfs so i assume they are wild caught corys, the other 4 including the greens are tank bred i think but these still seem to hide whenever someone goes near the tank.....Thought I'd reply with my experience. I've got 4 gold stripes and 2 venezuala black's (think thats what they're called) and the gold's aren't shy at all, I can see 3 of them now all right at the front of my tank digging around and landing on my plants leaves. They do quite like to hide under my bogwood too sometimes but whenever I check on them I can see a few and they don't seem to swim into hiding when I go closer or open the lid.
The black ones seem far more easily frightened but I haven't had them as long and are getting better, they seem to like to hang out with the gold's too. All of mine are tank bred, I wonder if this makes a difference? I'd heard of someone with some green stripes wild caught that were very shy.
I've still had no luck getting hold of some green stripesI found them but it would have been £80 for 4, seems a tad pricey and wild caught so I'm wary about their shyness too.
i have decided to set up a tank for the corys and am hopefully getting some more next week, im not going to have as many hiding places so i hopefully will see them more! mine were always out and werent shy when i first got them, i have got 3 polkadot loaches in the same tank at the minute that are very very active and do seem to get first dibs on any food that makes it to the bottom, maybe this is why mine have gone shy?