Getting Discouraged Fast


Dec 6, 2009
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Oregon IL
Ok, No fishstores in my area sell the freshwater liquid test kits. Everyone has the strips. I have had to order one online and hopefully it arrives quickly

I do have a thread in the emergency section going about my gouramis but I think wilder is only on once a day but no biggie as my gouramis are holding on.

I'm just curious about a couple things.

1- will canned peas work or do they have to be frozen? I'm pretty sure I have a few constitpated fish as my orange guppy seemed to be having issues going potty.

2- if you have high amonia in your tank and you do a waterchange (60% in a 29G) how soon do your fish recover?
I ask because my gouramis would not leave the top of the tank or the filter and lean to the side. One seems to have left the top and is now actually swimming around the tank although he does still have some slight tilting while resting but does swim straight. My angels were hanging at the bottom are now moving around again somehwhat. I'm hoping amonia was the issue and not something else.

3- My female swordtail was hanging nose down in the middle of the stream of bubbles from the airstone. I thought this odd but she seems fine?

4- Is it true that the heater by the airstone helps circulate heat?

5- The rest of the fish seem fine.
Ok, No fishstores in my area sell the freshwater liquid test kits. Everyone has the strips. I have had to order one online and hopefully it arrives quickly

I do have a thread in the emergency section going about my gouramis but I think wilder is only on once a day but no biggie as my gouramis are holding on.

I'm just curious about a couple things.

1- will canned peas work or do they have to be frozen? I'm pretty sure I have a few constitpated fish as my orange guppy seemed to be having issues going potty.

2- if you have high amonia in your tank and you do a waterchange (60% in a 29G) how soon do your fish recover?
I ask because my gouramis would not leave the top of the tank or the filter and lean to the side. One seems to have left the top and is now actually swimming around the tank although he does still have some slight tilting while resting but does swim straight. My angels were hanging at the bottom are now moving around again somehwhat. I'm hoping amonia was the issue and not something else.

3- My female swordtail was hanging nose down in the middle of the stream of bubbles from the airstone. I thought this odd but she seems fine?

4- Is it true that the heater by the airstone helps circulate heat?

5- The rest of the fish seem fine.
Crush the peas up and feed them to your fish, this should help with the constipation.

Your fish should feel an immediate decrease in ammonia. Ammonia to a fish is like pouring bleach over ones body, it burns them. The lower the level of ammonia; the fish will realize that rather quickly and should show signs as well.

Your swordtail most likely just likes the flow of water.

I would say yes, the air stone helps move the heat about, at least IME it does. I turned my aerator on full and the temp in the tank raised 2 degrees.

Well I've fed the peas. Some of them would eat them some not. The dojos seemed to enjoy them. Should I skip a couple flake feedings do you think?

I dont know who's gonna make it through this and who isn't. It's very depressing. If they don't make it I'm going to have to be done for a good long time. My significant other will kill me if I buy more fish or spend any more money on the existing fish. :(

I did a naughty today. I ordered my API kit online and had it shipped to my moms down the street. She'll bring it to me and pretend she bought Isn't that horrible?
Maybe it is not right from your significant others stand point, but for you, us and your fish, knowing you water's chemistry is very important.

I would, yes, skip a couple feedings and see if that helps.

I hope the best! :good:

He gets beer. I get fish. That's my rule ;)

I don't allow my dogs to get sick and fish have feelings too! :nod:
If he's gonna get on you about your hobby (fishkeeping) get on him about his hobby (drinking). I gurantee in the long run he spends more on his hobby then you do. And at least you have something to show for your hobby he doesn't have anything to show for his. If he keeps getting on you for it I would keep track of what you spend on fish and what he spends on beer. I bet you will both be suprised how much he spends comapred to you. Once you get all the stuff you need and get an established tank the only thing you will need to buy is food.
We've been rounds on it before.. lol I'm sure we will again. I've learned to pick my battles though and there are some I can avoid! If mom brings it down, he doesn't ask any questions so technically I dont lie about it!
Hang in there. There's certainly a bit of fuss getting a tank right in the beginning and learning all the arcane new things but in a matter of months it all settles down and you feel so wonderful having learned it and feeling confident. It then really does become a beautiful fish tank and you give the fish a little food in the morning, perhaps a few nutrients to the plants and you're on your way, knowing anyone in the house will have a beautiful scene to look at later in the evening.

~~waterdrop~~ :)
And at least you have something to show for your hobby he doesn't have anything to show for his.

What about a beer belly? :hey:

lol well with 5 working german shepherds and him being the idiot that puts on the sleeve and takes bites from these guys he gets a lot of excercise! So far it has managed to keep the beer belly away ;) :good:
We train and compete in Schutzhund which is tracking, obedience, and protection (bitework).

It's a lot of work but the accomplishments and rewards you get from it make it all worth it. The bond you develop with the dogs is an amazing and beautiful thing!
We train and compete in Schutzhund which is tracking, obedience, and protection (bitework).

It's a lot of work but the accomplishments and rewards you get from it make it all worth it. The bond you develop with the dogs is an amazing and beautiful thing!

Wow your 'Chief' looks exactly like my old Alsatian 'Sparky' who coincidentally was bought as our 'Chief' got older.
Why don't you and your husband come over and train my dogs I just want them to behave. I keep telling them I'm going to call Cesar(the dog whisperer) but it doesn't seem to phase them. :lol:

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