Getting Confused By The Marine World

Hi there

Please dont apologise for asking these questions as this is what the Board is for

If you find any info you are unsure of then ask here, everyone is here to get/give help to anyone who asks

Have a look for : - The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert M. Fenner & Also The Simple Guide to Marine Aquariums by Jerrrey Kurtz
These books are goods

1) The conscientious marine aquarist by Rob Fenner
2) The new marine aquarium by Mike Paletta
Anything short of having an experienced marine aquarist who pays attention to whats happening on the internet is going to involve you spending more money than you should, its virtually unavoidable, its the same story on a FW system aswell. However, be sure you get someone up to date, theres a Fish shop owner here whos still setting people up with UGF's for SW systems.
Thanks Chac. (edit - and thanks maestro)

Just looked at an aqua medic website and oh my god they are expensive.

The Percula 120 Reef Aquarium (as in the ebay auction above) is £1495. Sounds like a lot but that includes the cabinet, pump, lights and skimmer. I guess thats the easy way out. But I'd rather buy all my own equipment. So that second hand one above is quite good really.
Would defo keep an eye on Ebay as there are always, Tanks, Skimmer, Pumps etc on there ahd it may save you a packet

Also you will find that anything made by Aquamedic & Deltec is generally very good quality & worth the cash
OK been looking for info on stocking levels.

So far I found someone saying 1 inch per 5 gallons.

And this from Navarre (suggestions for a 75 gallon):
Pair of clowns
Royal grama or orchid dottyback
6 line wrasse or Leopard wrasse
5 Chromis or 5 Anthias (with 1 male)
Coral beauty or Flame angel (or any other type of dwarf angel)
2 cleaner shrimps
3 blood shrimps
Algae blenny

So is the 1 inch per 5 gallons a good guideline for starting up? I keep reading that you have to _slowly_ introduce fish. But how slowly?


I've also found the fish that my boyfriend particularly likes - Firefish goby :) (thanks for the link Chac) says they are an easy fish to keep.
After the initial Setup & cycle I would add a appropriate Clean UP Crew (another thing to Reasearch) :lol:

& then perhaps add the 2 Clowns, Give it a 2 - 3 weeks and check your readings

For corals (Softies anyway) I would make sure your readings are spot on and add some Leathers or Muchies

PS Firefish are a good beginners choice
Tiggs, you gave up planted and went for a marine?! Last time I saw a post of yours I thought you were getting cichlids. Hows the marine set up going then? In terms of work, do you think its easier or harder than a planted tank?

£4k?! Ok I'll be brave :D

cichlids seemed too boring!

Marine is going fine, very pleased so far.

Its harder work than the planted right now but i have almost finished automating most stuff on the tank (even stuff like mutiple daily feeds, plankton feeding, ect, ect are automated) so it should now get easier - and it certainly looks better!

the main difference is costs.......£15 for firemouth cichlid was my most expensive FW pair of wild caught oynx percs were nearer £100- everything is just pricey.

i also set my tank up very fast with lots of gizzmos. its been up about 6 weeks and is now 90% stocked- nothing else will go in (maybe the odd frag) and i will just allow whats there to "Fill out"

this has made it expensive in a short time but far more fun for me than watching a tank of rock for weeks waiting to add anything- its worked for me and i havent lost a single animal/coral yet with no water problems either.......i should add DONT DO THIS, its very bad and you will get in trouble for it!

certainly beats neon tetras!

Hey that avatar legal? My wife is going to wonder what I"m doing on this forum. LOLOL. SH
Hey that avatar legal? My wife is going to wonder what I"m doing on this forum. LOLOL. SH

Shhhhhhhh :p

Dont say anything maybe noone will notice

Do you know how long it took me to convince the Girlfriend to dance in those hotpants :lol: :lol:
Its harder work than the planted right now but i have almost finished automating most stuff on the tank (even stuff like mutiple daily feeds, plankton feeding, ect, ect are automated) so it should now get easier - and it certainly looks better!
Tiggs, you have far to much money!

If its all worked for you that's great. I think if I'm going to spend thousands of my hard earned cash on this then I want to make the setting up last as long as possible. But then I enjoy the interaction with fishkeeping (or plant keeping rather). I'll be still keeping my 2 planted tanks, or if I can upgrading the 2 to one larger planted tank :D

Chac, that avatar is naughty :)

:| clean up crews :S there is just too much to learn. Good job I've given myself lots and lots of time to plan :)
i needed to get the setting up over with quick so i could get back to work and make some money!
thats not really your girlfriend is it? Sorry, but I'm really gullible :*)

Well as I'm female, I'd prob prefer you dancing!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nah it aint the G/F






Its one of her friends

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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