Getting A Trio Of Blind Cave Tetras


Mar 13, 2007
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Well I was skimming through one of those sites that ship live fish and I fell in love with the Blind cave tetras.Considering that they're only $2.49 per fish, I'm think of getting three for a 29 gallon tank.Is that ok?Maybe two and a Firemouth Cichlid (my dreamfish).
Hi The-Dude,

I don't know much about the C*child but I read that the Blind caveTetra can grow to pretty good size If I remember correctly. Also, they are really prolific I think they can lay like up to 10,000 eggs.
Don't take my word for it but I think you ought to do little web research of their potential size and compatability with the C*child. It might be you need bigger tank in future to house them.
I did a ton of homework on my future sightless friends and they only get 4.7 inches max. As for their breednig habits, I dunno. But they are plenty big enough to room with a firemouth whom only gets 6 inches max. I'm just not sure if I'm going to do a normal community or a cave biotope. I just wanted some pointers on how to house BCT's.
I'm scrapping this idea all together and I'm just going to transfer my existing stock to a larger tank.

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