I agree Aquanut. I have only kept aggressive fish and probably always only will except maybe 1 community tank. I like the way they stalk their prey and the way they act and just their mannerisms in general. To me at least, they are so much like a pet, except most of the pirhanas I had but the cichlids are like that.
I don't like to talk about it much here because I don't want to have to defend myself so I just let it go and say to each their own.
I do want to say that live fish should never be the main diet of most fish unless they are strictly piscavores. I mainly only keep cichlids because of how mean they are and that's what I like about fish. I can't get into community fish at all really. This is jmo and no offense is meant at all and I realize we all keep fish for dif reasons and that's great.
BUT, I only feed them fish 3-4 times a month. They do eat them in the wild but the main diet they get from me is shrimp, carotene-based products, earthworms, pellets, flakes, peas etc. as it makes them a lot healthier to feed them a vegetable based diet and fish have about zero nutritional value.
You should always have a quarantine tank to put them in if you don't breed the feeders yourself. It's just asking for trouble if you throw them right in your show tank from the lfs. Also, feed the feeders good quality food. You are what you eat might apply here for your fish.
I can also understand why people don't agree with the feeding of live fish. They make good points and I respect them for that and that's why I don't go around talking about it..out of respect for the people it bothers.
I just wanted to reply here with a couple facts incase people reading this wanted to go with an all-fish diet for omnivours is all.
Now, that I've said I feed live fish, I am going to go back to lurking about this subject again.