Getting A New Boy


Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
Essex, UK
Well my orange DT didn't work out, he had an infection on his head, and his tail wasn't looking too great either. So i have taken him back, and am going out hunting today for a new guy...hope i find one as pretty as him...
Fanta was beautiful. You are lucky if your shops will take them back, they wont round here not unless they are dead! The you get a replacement! Good hunting!
:( Poor Fanta, I bet the shop will just do away with him tbh they couldn't be bothered to sell you a well fish, I don't think they will bother nursing him either.
thanks for the great comments guys...and yeah it was a heart-wrench giving him up, but i dont think i have the experience or the time to nurse him back to health. i am in colege full time, and work weekends, and im on holiday next week, so i just wanted him to get the care (hopefully) the shop will give him. they did try and blame it on me, but i argued and got a refund.
now i have got two new boys. they are both vt's, but one is white, the other black with blue and copper tail. will post pics later when they have settled.
thanks for the great comments guys...and yeah it was a heart-wrench giving him up, but i dont think i have the experience or the time to nurse him back to health. i am in colege full time, and work weekends, and im on holiday next week, so i just wanted him to get the care (hopefully) the shop will give him. they did try and blame it on me, but i argued and got a refund.
now i have got two new boys. they are both vt's, but one is white, the other black with blue and copper tail. will post pics later when they have settled.

I do understand and I've been in similar situations myself but at least you might have offered him to one of us to nurse back to health? We would have taken more care than the LFS no doubt. If you don't have the time or experience, given that bettas can become sick *just like that* what will you do if one of your new VT's gets sick?
tbh i didnt think of that...not many people live near me, and not sounding funny, it's my 18th birthday tomorrow, so i have alot on my mind...if anyone lives in the essex area they could go buy him from the shop..sorry...

any way here are some blurry pics of my new boys...




tbh i agree with the others, as long as u were using correct meds, it wouldnt have taken up too much time

now hes bk at ur lfs they probs wont bother treating him and he'll end up dying :(

theres enuff of us on here, some1 would have taken him on
I live in Essex myself, at least you know for next time. What shop are you buying your bettas from Jelly?
OK I do agree that we wouldn't have taken him back to the shop, but if Jelly is only 18 and new to fish keeping he probably didnt think. The shop near to me which has some awful fish does treat their ill fish. A betta with fin rot disappeared and re appeared 3 weeks later. They had been treating it in the back room. So all lfs are not the same.
Jelly they are beautiful new fish you have but I should get some meds. just in case they get some illness. Not being funny but I have been told when you get different shops gets bettas in at the same time, they have usually come from the same supplier., so it is quite possible your new ones came from the same place as the one you returned. So keep a close eye on them. :good:
thanks Liz, and yeah i will do. I was treating the boy with melafix, but i was told that i needed to apply it directly to the head and all sorts, and i think that being scrutinized for a mistake i made is a bit harsh, like i said i am new to this, and nobody can say they have never made mistakes. I will now know in future that not to make the same mistake. i will even try and go and get him back if it pleases you...but what is done is not a heartless person, i care very much about my fish, i work with them in a shop, and try to do my best for them. so i apologise for making a mistake, but i know not to do it again.

and i have already started treating their tanks with MF, just to make sure i rule out any bacterial infections. sorry if i annoyed anyone

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