Getting a new Betta...


Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
I will be getting a new Betta this week (hopefully.) I am adopting one from wuvmybetta! Very excited.

I went to my LFS again tonight and got some Java Fern and at the moment it's sitting in cold water. I also got 2 little feeder fish to test my new tank and water... When I get my Betta this week, will he be OK to live with 2 tiny feeder fish?

As always, Thanks! :)
My understanding is Bettas in with other fish, is on a Betta-to-Betta-Basis. Some are more aggressive than others, and some are more laid back. It's a part of the personality of the fish. Just be careful about your feeders getting your Betta sick, since feeders are usually really poorly taken care of in the pet store.

I'm sorely tempted to adopt from wuvmybetta as well, I've been staring at that black/red one for a long, long time now ... carefully informing myself that I do not need a second Betta.
etree said:
My understanding is Bettas in with other fish, is on a Betta-to-Betta-Basis. Some are more aggressive than others, and some are more laid back. It's a part of the personality of the fish. Just be careful about your feeders getting your Betta sick, since feeders are usually really poorly taken care of in the pet store.

I'm sorely tempted to adopt from wuvmybetta as well, I've been staring at that black/red one for a long, long time now ... carefully informing myself that I do not need a second Betta.
Yeah, If they don't get along, out they go then!! :)

wuvmybetta has some beautiful fish, very excited to be getting one.

Since I am putting the feeds in tonight, they will probably be in there for 4-5 days before I get my Betta, so hopefully I will be able to tell if they have issues, or the new plant does. ;)
well, how small and wht kind of feeders?
wrs said:
well, how small and wht kind of feeders?
They look like guppies without coloring...

Like the 3rd and 4th fish down in this picture... they are TINY. Cost .10 each.. LOL

Look like feeder guppies to me, but I'm not sure. Never bought a feeder before. :dunno: Anyways when I put my male betta with 2 male guppies he attacked and killed them. I guess it was because of their bright tails. Since yours aren't bright maybe he will leave them alone. How big is the tank?
Raechal said:
Look like feeder guppies to me, but I'm not sure. Never bought a feeder before. :dunno: Anyways when I put my male betta with 2 male guppies he attacked and killed them. I guess it was because of their bright tails. Since yours aren't bright maybe he will leave them alone. How big is the tank?
2.5 gallons
Kara101584 said:
Raechal said:
Look like feeder guppies to me, but I'm not sure. Never bought a feeder before. :dunno: Anyways when I put my male betta with 2 male guppies he attacked and killed them. I guess it was because of their bright tails. Since yours aren't bright maybe he will leave them alone. How big is the tank?
2.5 gallons
Yea, the betta might attack them in such a small tank for the 3 fish because the betta would be territorial. I would just monitor it for a day and see how he reacts to them. If he starts flaring all the time at them and chasing them and nipping at them, I'd return the feeders to the store. They were only 10 cents anyway so not a big loss. :p
I might be being a little worry wart. :) Just wanted to make sure something can live in there with no problems before I add the big guy. ;)

Here is a picture of my tank.... This is before I put anything in.
Cool you got a MiniBow 2.5?I got that kind with my betta Kyle in it :p .I would think wouldn`t he eat the feeders though?
I thought you had 2 feeders in there? I don't see them. :dunno:

But I think your betta will LOVE it! Nice gravel and shark. ;) Looks familliar. :lol: I have that same shark under the sink. I had to take it out of my tank because it started getting bubbles under the paint and I was scared the paint would leach into the water. :/ You also might want to look out just incase your betta might tear his fins on it since it is kind of sharp.

But I think that looks like a palace for a betta! The live plants will make it look great. :thumbs:
Raechal said:
I thought you had 2 feeders in there? I don't see them.
That picture was taken before I put anything in the tank. Now I have the feeders and a java fern in there. :)
take a pic again.

well, if they are really small, he most likely will eat them. You could always get two female guppies though, as he wouldnt have issues with the as far as I know.
i have my betta in a 5 gallon with 6 amano shrimp and 5 pigmy cories.

They all get along fine. The betta ejoyes staring at the hrimp, he's so funny!

I feel bad for my other bettas that are kept in bowls :( One day I'll get them they're own 5 gallon tanks!

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