Gettin jiggy with the fungus


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
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Victoria BC Canada
I work at a pet store that gets our bettas in about 75 at a time. They are packaged individually in 2/3 cup water in a small plastic heatsealed bag.

It is store policy to keep them in as many tanks as we can and then the rest in cups. I find that no matter where they go they suffer from fungus. This can happen a day after we get them.

Whats the deal? Could it be that there is something wrong with the suppliers water, packaging means, or are the fish just prone to growing mold while they live. We sell out of them real fast, but lose i'd say 30% of our stock to fungus. We started putting a couple drops of fungus inhibitor but it doesn't help.

Can you help me out?
Ghost said:
I work at a pet store that gets our bettas in about 75 at a time. They are packaged individually in 2/3 cup water in a small plastic heatsealed bag.

It is store policy to keep them in as many tanks as we can and then the rest in cups. I find that no matter where they go they suffer from fungus. This can happen a day after we get them.

Whats the deal? Could it be that there is something wrong with the suppliers water, packaging means, or are the fish just prone to growing mold while they live. We sell out of them real fast, but lose i'd say 30% of our stock to fungus. We started putting a couple drops of fungus inhibitor but it doesn't help.

Can you help me out?
you will find that problem everywhere
imbreeding and overbreeding are usually huge contributers to this problem, as it weakens the fish immensely!

the second and biggest problem, shipping conditions
there are some places (like the evil petcetera) that will ship their betta in a 3" by 3" baggy with just enough water to cover their little bodies
it is true that these fish are equipt with an extra organ that allows them to breath air from the surface but these conditions are both disgusting and disgraceful!
and on top of that the amount of time it takes to ship them over and have them sit in the bags and wait while the clueless and useless employees slowly arrange them into tiny little dirty cups while talking and laughing with their friends is forever to these little guys :crazy:

and lastly their living quarters,
teeny tiny little 1/4 gallon - 1/8 gallon cups!
where to begin,
no heat,
no room
yes i said dirty! peoples misconception of water is astounding!
i have seen these clueless employees dump out a fuzzy, long dead of fungus betta, RINSE the cup in water, only to replace it with another, soon to be dead betta
water does NOT kill the bacteria and fungus!
you need to bleach and thoroughly rinse the cups OR just chuck it and bring out a new one :dunno:

it could be any or all of these mistakes causing you problems and it could be no fault of your own but i thank you for asking questions and i hope that just once someone (you) help straighten things out the best you can :)
I have a few things to say about PetCetera.

1. The company cares about one thing: Profits.
2. The company does not care about: Staff, paying staff, paying managers, anything else.

3. The stores are given little respect, minimum wage, maximum duties.
4. The managers are given few hours in the budget to allow staff to clean, merchandise and keep the store in a decent working condition.

I have a close friend who managed one of the stores. He was stressed to his limit due to the poor training and management choices the regional supervisors and owner of the store give them.


If you have complaints about the staff keep in mind that when the company will only pay minimum wage and only allow one livestock person to clean every rodent cage, clean the tanks, test the water and refill reserviors, innoculate, change filter media, merchandise, assist customers, clear the 4 pallets of stock the store recieves every two days, kiss the regional managers ass when he comes in, handle phone calls, go hunting for broken shopping carts and carry out a 2 pound bag of hamster food out to the car for someone who can carry it to the till but not to the car. You have to bear with the poor sap who has to work there to make ends meet.

If you really have a complaint call the corporate office and complain about what an ass the owner is to his staff. But keep in mind that he will most likely vent his anger out at the closest store that matches the area code you're calling from by firing the first five people there that are at least responsible and try to make a difference.

If you choose to write then he will look at the postal code and do the same.

The store has great potential and has a huge list of fish that they can order from. But given not the best means of doing it.

As for the bettas in little baggies. Yes it's too bad. But when the company cares only about profit and the bettas are cheap, do you think they will care?


But be nice to the poor staff. I feel for them.
they come from weak lines... the shippin method is horrible.. often they are shrink wrapped with only the water on their bodies... the ones i buy from petcetera always die... ive had 2 survive so far.... out of probably 12... 2 still alive after like a month... all other ones died.. one this morning had huge fungus on his head and tail... i hate petcetera
The Mad Loach said:

But be nice to the poor staff. I feel for them.
just a question, :)
how do you think i know so much? :dunno:
i have been an assistant manager at 2 petstores
every time i moved i would have to go to a new store
the very last one i worked at WAS in fact petcetera
i was the manager of the fish department
oh an let me tell you I was very underpaid with what i had to do
i was supposed to be managing the fish department and doing shipping and receiving AND they had me run the damn cash register, run the entire livestock department and even help out in the adoption agency
i know what they have to do and it is highly unfair
but what you don't know is although i do not give out my location, THIS store is filled with incompitance and ignorance,

i eventually just quite for a job as a waitress and THAT pays me 1 and a half times as much with tips included!!!!!

i went back there a little while ago and there were some new people working
i am a really nice person and i have all the patience in the world ESPECIALLY when i am in my LFS (who wouldn't be able to stay occupied ;) )
but you should see these people!
miserable, DON"T do any of their jobs :angry:
they don't even attempt the jobs!
i once went in there with over $50 in purchases and went up to the counter where two young girls were laughing and talking and i politely asked for some help with the fish and the one girl actually refused!
she said she had to stay on cash, (I WAS THE ONLY PERSON IN THE STORE!)
then i asked the girl beside her and she said she was training the other girl and they continued to laugh and talk about guys they met at some party!!!!!!!!
i just left all my stuff right there in front of them and asked "is the pet store across the street open?"
and the rolled their eyes at me and gave me dirty looks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was just using my petcetera as an example i'm sure there are more stores just like it, :X
i've heard some pretty sad stories in this forum!!!!!!! :crazy:

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