get it or not?


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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the LFS got 3 discus in today i grabbed 2 of them they are in my 29G for 3 months with pair of rams,2 ottos,6 corys.8 or so neons......i hear discus do better in a pack well i got the neon school... but then also stocking is a question also this tank will become a 55G but not at this moment, i was thinking either the discus or 1 or 2 more rams
You are correct when you say they do better in packs because they are a pack fish witch should be brought in 5's.

As for the neons they will be eaten as soon as the discus feel safe in there new home.
i have heard about them eating neons just liek angels i have never seen this happen, and i have seen many angels and discus with neons in my past

i would LOVE t get 5 but i dont have the tanks pace i hardly got space for these till i move my community tank to a bigger size in 2-3 months, but these are quite small so i went ahead with them
Hmmm, Well, my Angels have never even shown my neons a passing glance.

Might just be my luck however...

I, on the other hand, have had LOTS of neons eaten by angels and I can assure you that a large angel will eat a small neon - it's their natural food in the wild and those who have not experienced this are just very lucky to not have fish in a condition where they will eat each other. Some people say larger neons do ok, or smaller angels, or that if they grow up together you won't have casualties... This isn't always the case. If you are willing to risk it I can't do anything about it but if you are in a position where you can save the neons please do so.
so should i get the discus left at the LFS or not :dunno: :/
How big are the discus currently? Are you willing to devote a 55g tank to 3 of them and do large water changes twice weekly. Does your water have a naturally low KH, GH, and pH?
the discus and all my other fish will be in a 75G no later then march 05 - i have a child expected for jan 05 so funds going to be tight jan/feb but they are about 2"-2.5" and i change 50% water daily to keep it fresh for them

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