German Ram's


Fish Crazy
Oct 12, 2010
Reaction score
Somerset UK
Hi Guys,
Got my large tank setup - 150l, with a Fluval 306 Filter, so it's highly over filtered, currently housing various livebearers, Corydoras, and various Tetra's. With the largest being a lemon tetra, it's also been setup for around 4 years.
If I was to get a pair of Sexed Ram's would this be suitable?
Not sure about the livebearers but will be ok with Cory's and I would imagine the Tetra's. I personally found the German Rams to be good community fish. They would only occasionally have a "tifff" with each other (M/F pair).
Obviously, any real answer depends on temperature, water chemistry and current stocking levels.  If you can give us some more information, maybe we can give you a better answer.
Tank is currently at 24'c, i'm in a hard water area, but the fish I have in there are pretty hardy so would take most changes
4x Platies, 3x Mask Cory, 3x Albino, 1x Agazzizi Cory, 1x BN Pleco, 6x Lemon Tetra, 10x Neon Tetra and 6x Glowlight Tetra
Does that help?
I have a pair of rams in a 125l community tank which has cardinal tetra, lemon tetra, corys and a clown plec. It is pretty heavily planted, and my maintenance routine is pretty strict. I introduced the female last week (after having a female die a few months ago) and i noticed the two of them building a nest and cleaning an area for spawning last night. The females "breeding tube" was extended. I have reasonably hard water, which i know is not ideal at all, i just drip acclimatised them slowly and they have been fine. My nitrates are very low due to the plants.
I run the tank at around 28*c which i know is a little on the high side for the corys but they have been fine for the last 6 months.
GBR's can be very sensitive, you will find many posts on forums on the net telling you that "they just die", and i have to say that was my experience with my previous female, one day she was fine, no obvious health issues, the next day she was dead. The male has been perfect with no issues at all. I was a little concerned that the male would be a bit funny with the new female after being the only cichlid in the tank for 3 months, but he was fine. Whilst the female was in the bag in the tank he was displaying to her and she was too. Quite amazing to watch. I will see if i can get some pics up of them in their nest.
edit: here are some pics:
Female in nest, showing nice colours:

Male joining her in the area:

Male inspecting what i am doing  not looking too pleased about being disturbed (apologies for blurryness)

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