German Ram Or Bolivian?

Sexing is EASY! The males have the first two dorsal spikes elongated, as the females do not have this attribute. Rams and amgels are fine together. Bolivian rams are more hardier than German rams, although, as a beginner, I can keep a German Gold ram just fine. Also, instead of angels (or instead of rams, either one) look into apistogramma. THe cockatoos are VERY colorful, you can keep a single male on his own, and he will be fine witht eh rams, not sure about the angles though, the rams and apistogramma are similar fish.
a species profile is nothing on personal experience

No i agree that experiance is better than what the net says but it backs me up coming from a reputable cichlid forum, i have kept Rams in a small group of 4! (3 Male and 1 Female) all was fine had not problems with them. Yes the males would flare at each other sometimes but nothing more than that.

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