German Blue Ram + Bolivian Ram


New Member
Jun 13, 2011
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I am wondering is it possible to keep one bolivian ram and 1 german blue ram with 2 angels and rummynose tetras? I am more interested in whether 1 bolivian can be kept with 1 german blue? This is just for future stocking, I currently have a 29 gallon, 18 inches high tank that is being cycled so perhaps a month or so it should be ready

Thanks for any input
Hmm okay even more so then angels?

Currently my two angels are being kept in a tank happily in about 27 degrees, I heard GBR are about the same? A lot of question haha but I just discovered these fishes and I am in memorized :wub:
I would pass on angels and Bolivian rams in a tank that size because I found that they do best if they have 4+ ft of swimming space. Temperature wise, I have always kept blue rams (including wild caught) at lower temperatures without any health problems and they lived to the same life span as any other rams at higher temperatures.
I have had my tank as low as 25C for a couple of weeks and my GBRs have been happy during that time.
Has anyone kept three blue ram together or do they have to be kept in a group of 4?
Depends on tank size, but I always keep pairs and usually at least 6 fish per larger tank. They are quite sociable, so if you have space: the more, the better.
You will run into territory arguments if the angels pair up and if the rams pair up. The two rams will get along fine together, and you would want a bigger tank for the angels, even if you go more with a column style tank for the angels to swim at the top rather than the bottom by the rams. The tetras will do great with the Ph level and temp as the rams. All together to have an easy going tank the Ph shouldn't be lower than 6.6 for the angels' sake. The temp on the other hand should be around 80 degrees F, so they are in their breeding temps to have them all be more comfortable in the tank in general. If it is in the 70s for the temp, they will be a bit more hostile towards each other but shouldn't be an enormous issue.

I have a show tank with blood parrots, tetras, betta, an angel, rams, platys, and a cory... they are in a column style tank and they all have their own areas along with the temp being at 80 degrees F, which helps them relax as that is a breeding temp for all of them.
i kept a Bolivian pair with a few mixed colour GBR's and the Bolivians dominated all but one and most died. (this was in my 260l 4ft tank, also stocked with Kribs, Angels, festivum, colombian tetras)

The one that survived would harass the Bolivians.

IMO it can be done if there is plenty of hiding space and other fish/dithers to narrow down the aggression.

Alot of it is luck and individual personality like with all Cichlids.

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