German Blue Ram acting strange


New Member
Jan 19, 2022
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Okay so not exactly an emergency, but this fish never swims. She just lays on the bottom strangely. She had visible cammelanus worms about 2 1/2 weeks ago that she came from the store with. That has since cleared up, but she still acts awful. I’m including a video and a picture of my water parameters. You’ll see my other rams and fish swimming around. She has always been this way, and I expected improvement after the worm treatment. Any suggestions?

Tank is 80 degrees as well.

May take me a bit to get video uploaded to YouTube. Also, they are juveniles and not fully colored yet. They also fade after change/stress and this was right after a water change. Parameters were great before too


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No video :(

What did you treat the Camallanus with?
Did you do any follow up treatments?
The fish should be treated for worms once a week for 3-4 treatments. Do a big water change and gravel clean 24-48 hours after each treatment.

How often are you feeding the fish?
What are you feeding the fish?
Is the fish eating well?
What does its poop look like?

It might have had a major worm infestation and is suffering from low blood levels, which will take a month or more to recover from after the worms have been removed, and assuming it is fed well.

The fish could also be a genetic dud (belly slider) and was not able to swim properly before you got it.
We have done 2 treatments so far as well as the water changes. It’s almost time to do another. She does not eat that I’ve seen, but I believe her poop is normal. She hangs out in one particular area of the tank and there is lots of healthy looking poop there. I feed Hikari Vibra Bites and tropical flakes. All the other fish go crazy for both, especially the worm shaped vibra bites.

Trying to figure out how to post the video to my YouTube page that it doesn’t show up on my work page 😂
Most rams don't like dry foods and she might eat frozen or live foods. See if you can get some live brineshrimp, daphnia or mozzie larvae, or some frozen foods to feed her. It might stimulate her appetite.

The fish might be getting bullied or feeling intimidated if it is hiding in a corner. Can you post some pictures of the ram and the entire tank so we can check it for suitable habitat for her?

Also tell us what other fish you have in the tank.

I can't view the video in dropbox.
In the second video, you can see the blueish green cave structure in the back. That entire structure is hers. She was hiding for whatever reason after the water change in the apistogramas cave and he was chasing her off. I really haven’t seen this aggression before, just so you know that’s not typical. In general, my apistos have the right side and the rams have the left.

I live about 200 miles from any live food but will try to get some frozen!
The fish is a Bolivian ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus) and is different to a blue ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi).

The fish is being bullied by the other Bolivian ram and the Apistogramma. It needs to be rehomed.

It might have an internal issue, possible swim bladder problem that is stopping it from being able to swim in mid water. Or it could just be the fish is severely stressed and really struggling to cope. If you can put it in another tank without any other cichlids, then see how it goes. If it is just bullying, the fish should recover and be able to swim around normally again after a little while. If it's a swim bladder problem, the fish will continue to sit on the bottom.

If you have midges around the area, you can use a fine mesh net to catch them and put them in a plastic ziplock bag and put that in the freezer. When they are all dead, you can put them into a plastic container wiht lid and feed them to the fish a couple of times a week.

You can do the same with small flied or mosquitoes caught without chemicals. And if you have roses in the garden, check them for aphids. You can collect aphids by putting a plastic container under the rose bud and gently tapping the stem. The aphids will drop into the bucket and can be frozen for use later on.

Some fish will eat ants and ant eggs. Collect and freeze them.

You can get white worm, grindal worm and micro worms cultures from some pet shops and online. These can be cultured at home and used as a supplement to the normal dry food diet.

If you have a bucket with flour or rice in, this can get infested with weevils and the weevil larvae can be fed to fish. I used to sieve the flour at my Dad's cake shop and collect the flour weevils for my fish and birds. Sometimes I got some and sometimes I didn't. I thought it was good when I got them but Dad was never pleased to see them. :)

If you have buckets of water sitting under a tree and a few leaves fall into the buckets, then mosquitos will probably lay eggs on the water and these hatch and become mozzie larvae. These larvae should be removed and fed to the fish so they don't turn into adult mozzies and spread diseases. If you get too many you can put them in an ice cube trays and freeze them into cubes.

If you live in a cool climate you might be able to grow Daphnia in containers of green water outside. You might even be able to buy a Daphnia starter culture online and use that to get your own cultures going. Some places on eBay used to sell dormant Daphnia eggs and these can be sent through the mail for a small few.

The following link has information on culturing live foods for baby fish and might give you some pointers. @AbbeysDad also has links on his website about culturing live foods for fish. He might come on and provide them for you, or you can click his name and check his links. :)
he following link has information on culturing live foods for baby fish and might give you some pointers. @AbbeysDad also has links on his website about culturing live foods for fish. He might come on and provide them for you, or you can click his name and check his links.
Live Foods Cultures & Collection
Ugh this is so frustrating, those two are supposed to be a pair 🤦🏼‍♀️ Given her recent cammelanus worm infection and the fact that I’m the only fish owner I even know with a tank larger than a couple gallons, rehoming really isn’t an option. I have plants coming and more caves.

Everyone is shook up since I removed the caves that were deteriorating into the water. Basically everyone lost their hiding place. I really should have picked a different time to take a video, as everyone was ticked when I took these. I wanted the video of the apistograma chasing her so you could see how she (he?) swims. My main question is can she actually swim, or does she have a physical problem with swimming? She has been like this since the day we got her (him?)

I’ll look into live foods, and I can get frozen foods. None of the catching them outside will work right now as there is more than a foot of snow on the ground, but as soon as roads are clear enough I can drive a ways and see if they have some frozen food at petco.

Thank you so much for your answer, and I’ll update when I get my new caves and plants in there. I really think that will help the aggression a lot. The apisto used to just happily chill in his cave, but it was made out of like a weird plaster (coated in stone so it tricked me) and it was just dissolving, so I had to get it out of there. The apisto also had ich because the heater broke. These poor fish and I have certainly had a rough start.
My main question is can she actually swim, or does she have a physical problem with swimming? She has been like this since the day we got her (him?)
The fish could be a belly slider. It's a nickname used for cichlids with a genetic swim bladder disorder that stops them swimming like other fish do. They sort of shimmy around the bottom of the tank, a lot like your one does. They are normally euthanised at a young age because people don't want them and they aren't good for breeding.

The only way to tell if it can swim properly is to put it in a tank where it doesn't get bullied. Then monitor it over a few weeks. If it doesn't swim, then it's a belly slider and will be like that until it dies.

Unfortunately with only one tank at your disposal, this is going to be an issue. Just try to make up lots of caves and have some tall items in the tank to block the other fish's view of this one. Then hopefully they will spend less time going after it.
Okay so actually I just went to check on her again and she’s swimming all over the tank! The male apisto is being a jerk to everyone, but the new caves and plants should help with that! Who would have thought, in the weeks I’ve had her, she starts swimming when I finally ask?! Well at least now I know she can, so if she doesn’t, then something absolutely is wrong. Maybe whatever was in those rocks was really affecting her too? I don’t know but I am so happy to know she CAN do it! She looks as though she ate as well!
those two are supposed to be a pair
Looking at the first video, the other ram appears for a few seconds and that's a Bolivian ram as well. You can tell the difference as rams have red in their eye rings while Bolivian rams don't.
But just because they are both Bolivian rams doesn't mean they are a pair. Just any male and any female may well not get on; they need to be a bonded pair which have chosen each other. It is also difficult to tell males and females apart unless their breeding tubes are visible so you could have 1m 1f, 2 males or 2 females.
Looking at the first video, the other ram appears for a few seconds and that's a Bolivian ram as well. You can tell the difference as rams have red in their eye rings while Bolivian rams don't.
But just because they are both Bolivian rams doesn't mean they are a pair. Just any male and any female may well not get on; they need to be a bonded pair which have chosen each other. It is also difficult to tell males and females apart unless their breeding tubes are visible so you could have 1m 1f, 2 males or 2 females.
Oh yes I understand that, I was told they were a pair when I purchased them 😒

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