Geos Coming Along Nicely ( Surinamensis )


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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when i 1st got em


and now


Looking lovely Mark. How long you had them? How big have they grown? My red-head tapajo's only recently started to put some weight on, but I think thats mainly because the SD's were hogging all the food, now they've gone, everyone's getting bigger lol
Nice fish , i have two and they look exactly the same, supposadly they will look even better when they're fully grown (mine are around 4inch).

When i first got mine i wasn't over keen on the fish , basically went to a very well respected fish shop and the guy told me they'd be worth it and they are:). I paid £6 each for mine so cheap too.
cheers i cant remember exactly how long ive ad them but its at least 3 to 4 months . they are about 6 inches at the moment. they have probably grown an inch or so in length, most of the growth has been the body filling out and fins developing
2 geos 18 corys and an obsessive owner make for clean sand :lol:
lol i got rid of the sand asit always looked dirty
They come from Wildwoods Mark? Saw them yesterday and told myself "one day..."
You can get them at north lakes aquatics in the Penrith if anyone wants them in the north- Geophagus surinamensis - 4 for £24

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