Geophagus Brachybranchus


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2011
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I have/had 6 Geo Brachybranchus all about a year old. They live in a 450 lts tank with 5 albino angel fish (small) 5 marble head standers and 10 top and tail tetras.
About 1 week ago the goes began to die, one a day. I thinned out the sand substrate to rule out bacteria build up, I also treated the tank for bacteria infections.
The water parameters are spot on and the PH is 7.7 and temp around 28c.
2 weeks ago I had a white spot outbreak, this was treated with salt, increase temp and meds..
Would anyone have any ideas what could be the cause,as they are the only ones that are effected and of course the most expensive
thank you
Aww that sucks :( I have lost a herd of Geos before and it is heart breaking because they just seem to go with little warning.
Could it be that you still have some whitespot still in the tank? It can get in the fishes gills and in their breathing areas and cause more problems then when they are external. Maybe increase the heat again and try medicating the tank, I use Waterlife Myxazin (I think thats the white spot one) and I have never had a problem with any of my fish with that and it does not impact on the filters.
Wills said:
 I use Waterlife Myxazin (I think thats the white spot one)
Protozin is their anti-whitespot medication. Myxazin is the anti-finrot one.
Ah thanks Essjay :) Sorry I have used both in the past (never at the same time though) I have large bottles on hand all the time just in case.
So after several weeks, no more deaths of other fish the time was right to start over. Bought 3 new Geo's. All good for 1st two weeks. Then one died on Wednesday, did a 70% water change. One died Friday. One left.
No obvious sighs of distress or problems.
water is as follows
ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrite 0pmm
Nitrate 80 ppm (maybe higher inbetween 80 and 160, town water supply is 20ppm)
PH 7.6
temp 27.5 c
TDS 173
I know the Nitrate is high and this could be due to over feeding, (was away for 5 days and had automatic feeder running)
Anyone any ideas? The nitrate is looking likely to me, so still high even after a 70% change
Thank you
Its hard to say I would say that 80ppm is not that high, my tap water is 40ppm at least so I would say at around a week we are at 80ppm just from feeding. With the holiday feeder, personally I never really trust them. For 5 days in an established tank most fish would be ok to go without feedings, could it be possible it dumped too much food in?
Well the first death occurred on my return and I know the auto feeder had dumped lots of food in before I went away by mistake. I tried my best to remove as much as possible but time was short

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