Generational fishkeepers?


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Oct 14, 2011
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Eastern Canada
One of my daughters phoned last night (too excited to even text!) to say she had found two killifish fry thriving in her community tank. She likes catfish, and they evidently hadn't gotten to the eggs. She was feeling very proud of her set up and how things were working.

It got me thinking. My great grandfather apparently raised and sold goldfish out of a summertime, back court set up in the tenements of south Montreal. My grandfather jumped on the bandwagon when the hobby exploded in popularity in the 1950s. He bred Bettas and was into head and tail light tetras. One grandmother always had a small tank of white clouds. My grandfather's brother and his partner bred fancy guppies and had huge Oscars. I got into a fish (a little bit). and now the next generation is into it.

How many of you come from families where fishkeeping was or is a generational hobby?
My parents started off back in the 1960's. I was the only child who was interested in keeping fish as well.
I helped my dad keep a 180 gallon full of cichlids and now, even though I don’t get to see him anymore, I have 5 thriving aquariums of my own! So, I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people got into the hobby through family.

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