Gecko Shedding

Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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how long does it take for a gecko to shed? came home last night and he was looking all white and his skin looked funny, we'd seen pics of gecko's about to shed so we were fairly confident that's what it was, thought we'd just leave him to his own devices for a bit. Then I looked in the viv maybe 2 hrs later and saw him eating something, cos of where he was sat I could only see his head poking out not his body. Then looked an hr or so later and he was bright vivid orange again. So we reckon he must have shed and I caught him eating the end of it, but we kind of expected the whole process to take longer than that.... is that normal for it to be done in a few hrs? I can see why it would be, obviously in the wild when they are mid-shed they're vulnerable so best to be able to do it quickly. Kind of makes sense now, once we'd reserved him in the shop we went in to see him a few times before we picked him up and he was always in his moist box and he'd been in it a fair bit once we'd got him home, he'd also been eating a lot of calcium which I imagine they would do before a shed.

so yeah.... is it normal that they do it that quickly?!
yep, they do it very quickly. :good:

check his toes, his eyelids and the end of his tail to make sure he hasnt got any old skin still on there. :D
yup we did last night, seems fine but we're gonna check him again today to make sure.
lol, soon......

we've now taken a couple of pics but not got any way of getting them onto the pc at the moment. :rolleyes:

I'll attempt to dig the pc out of the rubble that is our bedroom tonight and see if I can get some pics on there.

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