darcie, if you buythe crickets in bulk and therefore have to keep them somewhere,i'd recommend a deep plastic container or a spare 10 gal fish tank (i use that with a screen cover). then what you do is get a bag of them from the petshop, most will put them in the same plastic bags they put fish in. put some calcium powder in this bag, hold the bag open in the cricket container. have some egg crates for the crickets to climb on/hide under. then just pick one of these egg crate sections up and shake into the bag. you'll get a few, gently shake the bag to coat the crickets in calcium, close up bag, take to lizard enclose, open bag inside and viola, no actual handling of crickets. you can also get large plastic tweezers in the reptilesection, use it to grab them.
i was leary of them at first myself, but, as i now have 5 lizards, i've gotten over it. i even reach in and just corner the crickets, let them jump onto my hand and then toss them into the calcium dust bag. its really no different than getting used to the feeling of your lizard (all five of mine have "sticky toes", so it feels really strange when you hold them).