Gecko Help


Fish Fanatic
May 27, 2004
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I am thinking about getting a Gecko. I have tryed looking on the net for information but haven't been able to find much. Any and All information you can spare would be a help ! Thanks sorry if I missed a topis about this already
Oh so get one, they are absolutely the most funniest pets!

My little girl, Calla is almost changing daily.

I just introduced her to wax worms (which are a weekly treat now) and she has just finished 15 pin head crickets in 2 Days! OMG

They are seriously the best lizard to start out with, even my father in law who is visting likes her!

I would seriously suggest, if you can, getting one from a breeder; they are cheaper and you know if you have any probs, you can get some info, not some ones opinion who doesn't have one!
Do it! :flex: :nod: :wub:
You want a leopard gecko right? There are dozens of species available :) Crocodile (Moorish) geckos and golden geckos are cool, although you can't hold them. If you want a handleable lizard, I would say go for a leopard gecko. ;)
Giant Day Geckos are green, but dislike being held.
Figure out which kind you would like and I will see if I can find you something in your area!
Leopard geckos are so cool though!
Iam not biased or anything though
I would really apprecite it if you could find something in my area. Thanks and I have done some research on the lepord Gecko and they seem to be the most popular and I like the fact that you can hold them :)
Arg, Having a fun time trying to find a breeder in Halifax.
I have had 15 lookers in my search, but no answers.
Have you tried asking the pets stores where they get theres?
Or try your local Reptile Society, they should know!
I'm try though, just no luck yet!
Thanks I apprecite it... I am still not 100%
sure is I am going to go with a Gecko. I have done alot of research and everything seems good expect the fact I have to feed them crickets. I went to a friends place on Vacation and he had tons of crickets for his turtles and they were EVERYWHERE! I hate the things and I dunno if Id be able to tuch them to put them in the tank. I am weird I know !
LOL, I know the feeling. I wasn't to keen on the cricket thing when I started with my green tree frogs, but I got over that quick.
My real prob was with worms. Any kind earth, meal, fat ones, skinny ones....
But I really wanted a Gecko. I freaked out the first couple of times feeding her, but there is some nasty satisfaction of feeding them to the lizard (I know, flame away). If you really want one, you will conquer that nasty feeling of purposely having bugs in your house.
The rule here is DON'T OPEN Maragrine containers that are around the frogs tank. I keep them in Maragrine containers (with holes, I am not that mean people) so I don't have too look at them. That is my trick for dealing with buggies :crazy:
darcie, if you buythe crickets in bulk and therefore have to keep them somewhere,i'd recommend a deep plastic container or a spare 10 gal fish tank (i use that with a screen cover). then what you do is get a bag of them from the petshop, most will put them in the same plastic bags they put fish in. put some calcium powder in this bag, hold the bag open in the cricket container. have some egg crates for the crickets to climb on/hide under. then just pick one of these egg crate sections up and shake into the bag. you'll get a few, gently shake the bag to coat the crickets in calcium, close up bag, take to lizard enclose, open bag inside and viola, no actual handling of crickets. you can also get large plastic tweezers in the reptilesection, use it to grab them.
i was leary of them at first myself, but, as i now have 5 lizards, i've gotten over it. i even reach in and just corner the crickets, let them jump onto my hand and then toss them into the calcium dust bag. its really no different than getting used to the feeling of your lizard (all five of mine have "sticky toes", so it feels really strange when you hold them).

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