G'day From Australia.

Yes ,yes kiwi fruits ( and birds ) too. What's a kea? Probably a stupid question.
What's a kea? Probably a stupid question.
A freakishly intelligent, cute, green, ground dwelling parrot that literally tries to eat the windscreens out of cars.
The kea we are refering to is not the car
 , they are a highland mountian parrot that will try eating anything it finds that might be remotely edible.
Thats a great video of the kakpo
 , Australia used to have a very similar parrot called the night parrot, looked like an over grown budgie but alas now they are offically considered extinct
Have you aussies ever seen a common Pleco In Australia? I don't want one I was just wondering. People are always sauying they are very common but I've never seen one.
Haha common plecos are in most good fish shops! I've seen some massive ones but normally they're only 5cm or so on shops.
mishmash said:
Of Course, New Zealand has other amazing wildlife as well....  erm, as well as an amazing dialect <grins to self>
I don't get it !?

I have only seen bristlenose and sailfin Pleco in Melbourne and ballarat.

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