Gbrs Spawning?

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Fish Herder
Jun 11, 2013
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Woohoo, I think my Rams are spawning, but not in the place I made for them!

Made a plant pot covered in moss with smooth rocks inside...not good enough, they've decided on a lovely dark green Anubis leaf! Needless to say I'm VERY excited!!!




What do you think???
Looks like it :) Is it the first time they have spawned?
It is indeed, did not expect it at all. The male was only introduced a matter of weeks ago, which is quite remarkable... I think!
Sometimes it takes them a few trys to get it right, so there might not be fry this time. But If they have spawned they will do it again. Who knows, they might be first class parents already :) It would be awesome if you could keep us upated. 
All seems well this morning still!
A lot of eggs still intact and the parents seem attentive. Seen them both pecking at the eggs but not really in an attempt to eat them, I don't think. Daddy is still chasing everyone away so it seems quite promising even though it's still early stages!
More pics when I can, but I need a better camera.
Be careful with first time parents, they usually eat their eggs during the first few tries unless kept a good eye on.
this happened to my wild type rams a while ago
Got some much better pics...
It's only been a matter of hours but the mum and dad still seem to be tending to the eggs, fanning them and generally chasing off would be nosey fish! Not sure how many eggs are there. Not as many as 200 but definitely at least 100.
GBRs Spawning.JPG
Rams Spawn 1.JPG
Rams Spawn 2.JPG
What tankmates do they have? I ask because I'm intrested in getting some GBR myself.
They're fabulous little guys, very inquisitive and brave! The boy was pecking at my hand when I was touching his plant pot!
In general I've got a very peaceful tank with 7 x h&t light tetras, 8 mixed corys, 2 female honey gourami, 7 otos, a flash pleco and about 7/8 mixed guppies. The otos are cheesed off with the spawning as that's where they all hang out. The honeys don't bother with anything, the corys don't bother anyone either. The tetras can be a little boisterous, but really only between each other and the guppies are no problem either although they've very active and greedy for food.
Even although they're spawning, the male is only aggressive to the point of chasing away any of the other lot. He doesn't give chase and attack.
I'd have a tank full of GBRs if I could. Only thing I would say is you should wait until your tank is quite mature and settled before venturing into rams.
Thanks for the info, its appreciated. 
Well, it's been a bit over 24 hours and all seems as it was. I'll be amazed if they get this right the first time...!
Been almost 40 hours now (38-39) and I've had a check at lunch time...parents are still tending to the eggs and the majority of them still seem to be there. Most of them are a creamy white while a few are more transparent.
Any one any idea what this means? It's not good that they're mostly white, is it?
Well, all the eggs are gone this morning. They were either not fertilised properly or had a fungus of some kind. 
Also, I may have disturbed them quite a lot by changing from an internal to external filter last night. The flow has totally changed and so that might have put them off big time.
Fingers crossed for next time!
Yes white eggs are either infertile or have fungus and clear eggs are ok.  Better luck next time :)

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