I've realised this is what one of the lfs's were selling, instead of some kind of catfish I quite like them, but there doesn't seem to be a great deal of info. Can any of you shed any light?
Bump... all I can gether is that their not overly huge growing (although I have my suspicions the ones at the shop are larger thatn the listed fishbase size ), and possibly live in fast flowing water. Are they particularly uncommon? I might get one, if I can afford it...
all i can find is fishbases entry. here
I've tried google scirus for the scholary papers but can
only find the reference number for it, can't seem to see a pdf of the actual paper.
if you wish to go to your local library and order the paper
it is called
Seven new species of Garra (Cyprinidae: Cyprininae) from the Rakhine Yoma, southern Myanmar.
by Kullander, S. and F. Fang, (2004)
found under Ichthyology, Explorere, Freshwater. ref number 15(3):257-278.
the info on this fish is on p. 270.
of course you could email fang fang herself, but she takes months to answer emails [email protected]
Hmm, ty, seems like they're not overly common then. I've got a few spare 7g's, and a powerhead, should be able to whip up a stream style tank, that seems to be where they're from. What do garras normally eat?