Fish Crazy
Reason: for sale .Ive got quite a few juvanile Gardneri fundlopanchax Nssuka Killifish that are starting to show the signs of wanting to to breed and i need to free up some room.
Lengh: Almost 2" in lengh. Beautiful colouration.
Age: 4 months
Species: Killifish that can also be kept in most community tanks.
Price: £15.50 for 2 male & 2 females inc postage & heatpack
I also have a pair of breeding Male & female of Golden australies SOLD
Postage: Collection from South Yorkshire or post which includes heat pack & next day delivery before 1pm.
Lengh: Almost 2" in lengh. Beautiful colouration.
Age: 4 months
Species: Killifish that can also be kept in most community tanks.
Price: £15.50 for 2 male & 2 females inc postage & heatpack
I also have a pair of breeding Male & female of Golden australies SOLD
Postage: Collection from South Yorkshire or post which includes heat pack & next day delivery before 1pm.