Gardneri Fundlopanchax Nssuka 2 Pairs £15.50 Posted


Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2010
Reaction score
South yorkshire.
Reason: for sale .Ive got quite a few juvanile Gardneri fundlopanchax Nssuka Killifish that are starting to show the signs of wanting to to breed and i need to free up some room.

Lengh: Almost 2" in lengh. Beautiful colouration.

Age: 4 months

Species: Killifish that can also be kept in most community tanks.

Price: £15.50 for 2 male & 2 females inc postage & heatpack

I also have a pair of breeding Male & female of Golden australies SOLD

Postage: Collection from South Yorkshire or post which includes heat pack & next day delivery before 1pm.
Im not too good at taking pictures as i only have my phone camera but if you google them they are pretty much the same.
Please edit per this topic;
Not many left now. Only £1 per fish. These fish are around £8-£9 in LFS. Will also do a deal on buying the lot.
How many do you have left? And where in s.yorkshire are you?
I'm interested in the two pairs possibly. Have you got any pictures of the actual fish?

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