Gambling in LFS


Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
I went to my fave lfs today to pick up some food for my catfish. When I got there I was far from amused...

There was only one person on duty there (the other was sick) and he was busy doing a water test for a customer. I went into the back room to hunt for some Ottos and there were 6 boys huddled around a tank laughing their heads off for some reason. I'm a nosy person so I naturally went to take a peek.

They'd netted two male Bettas and stuck them in a small tank together... one of them was getting absolutely ripped to shreds. By the time I looked he had hardly any fins left and the other Betta was chasing him around, flaring and more or less trying to finish him off. The poor betta could barely swim away :-( the evil swines had been betting on the Bettas fighting...

Naturally I went to get the assistant.. and the gang got nasty when he tried chucking them out. It ended up with the police having to come (by this point they were getting so bad I was hiding in the marine room).

I hate people like that.
I have never heard of a store that bad! I have heard of stores that are almost that bad but that is the winner of worst store! I know that a lot of stores have small numbers of employees but you can't just leave one person to run a store!

Your story reminds me of a friend of my brother's. He got fish tank for his birthday and decided to get some fish. Not knowing any better (and not researching) he bought 6 bettas and put them in his tank. When he came home from work well I don't think I have to mention what he found. :crazy:
guppymonkey said:
I know that a lot of stores have small numbers of employees but you can't just leave one person to run a store!
there's usually at least 2-3 people there... but everyone was off sick for some bizarre reason. They may have just popped out for all I know, but I assumed they were ill.

It's usually a brilliant place though, best fs for miles :thumbs:
Thats read sad how people can act like that.
Sorry you had to go through that.
That's pretty bad. Even the LFSs I go to to get the REAL fighters don't do that.

EDIT: And the fancy long-fins are the wrong type to fight, anyway.
Idolz said:
Thats read sad how people can act like that.
Sorry you had to go through that.
I never thought people around here could be so cruel.... but this was in the middle of the day when all the unemployed wasters come out *

* I'm not saying all unemployed people are wasters, just a lot of them around here are. Sorry if I cause offense!!
:( sorry about that! I'd of kicked some serious butt! (or had my big strong hubby do it:D ok, really though, I don't think one experience of customers is the stores fault, if they're great, stick with um! (unless this is regular)
well sumer, I've been going to this place for well over a year now. Before i got my tank I used to go every week anyway just to look at the fish :p and this is the first time something like this has ever happened. In fact, I don't think I've seen a disgruntled customer at all there until today.
That is so bad.

Kudos on you for trying to stop them aand the LFS calling the Police.
Theres some Disturbed ppl out there.
:cool: Good for you Lady for trying to put a stop to it! I know it's frustrating dealing with people of small intelligence. But you did a good thing!
ladynaoko said:
Idolz said:
Thats read sad how people can act like that.
Sorry you had to go through that.
I never thought people around here could be so cruel.... but this was in the middle of the day when all the unemployed wasters come out *

* I'm not saying all unemployed people are wasters, just a lot of them around here are. Sorry if I cause offense!!
being unemployed was what caused me to take up the hobby of fish keeping! :)
StanTheBetta said:
ladynaoko said:
Idolz said:
Thats read sad how people can act like that.
Sorry you had to go through that.
I never thought people around here could be so cruel.... but this was in the middle of the day when all the unemployed wasters come out *

* I'm not saying all unemployed people are wasters, just a lot of them around here are. Sorry if I cause offense!!
being unemployed was what caused me to take up the hobby of fish keeping! :)
me too! :lol:
ladynaoko said:
StanTheBetta said:
ladynaoko said:
Idolz said:
Thats read sad how people can act like that.
Sorry you had to go through that.
I never thought people around here could be so cruel.... but this was in the middle of the day when all the unemployed wasters come out *

* I'm not saying all unemployed people are wasters, just a lot of them around here are. Sorry if I cause offense!!
being unemployed was what caused me to take up the hobby of fish keeping! :)
me too! :lol:
I guess I might be next in line.... :crazy:
QUOTE (ladynaoko @ May 5 2004, 02:42 PM)
QUOTE (StanTheBetta @ May 5 2004, 06:37 PM)
QUOTE (ladynaoko @ May 5 2004, 01:39 PM)
QUOTE (Idolz @ May 5 2004, 05:35 PM)
Thats read sad how people can act like that.
Sorry you had to go through that.

I never thought people around here could be so cruel.... but this was in the middle of the day when all the unemployed wasters come out *

* I'm not saying all unemployed people are wasters, just a lot of them around here are. Sorry if I cause offense!!

being unemployed was what caused me to take up the hobby of fish keeping!

me too!

I guess I might be next in line....

LOL Being unemployed for a year is the reason I have 7 big tanks and 25 betta tanks. :rolleyes:

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