Galaxy Rasbora

Maidenhead Aquatics in Hereford had some just after Christmas, don't know if they have any left.
Also to peeps saying they don't eat flake, and they are difficult to keep - I haven't had any problems with mine at all, they settled into a tank with my other little fish really well and they most definitely eat anything I offer them, including flake.

hiya mate. what else are you feeding other than flake?
Hi guys! Has anyone got this fish? Do they look that nice and bright in reallity as well as on pics?
I would like to get some but I can't find them, do you know any shop that sells them in Midlands UK? thank you
Not sure if you are still looking but Maidenhead in Iver (close to M40) had some in between Christmas and New Year.

Hi Spooky
Well I haven't fed them anything live! They have had various flakes because I always have more than one on the go, Hikara Betta micra pellets, baby fish food and frozen daphinia and artemia. Haven't fed any frozen bloodworms or whiteworms because I don't like wormy things! They have also had the new Improvit tropical fish granules and they eat the Hikari sinking wafers I put in for the pygmy cories. Not sure if they eat cucumber but it always gets eaten.
A5 Aquatics in Nuneaton Have them @ 3.50 each. and have been in quarantine for 4 weeks and are taking flake.

Sorry Need to correct that. They are not feeding on flake, just rang them and they are ONLY feeding on Baby Brine Shrimp, they have not even tried flake or pellets. Thank God my Killies are feeing on on Crushed pellets first try.

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