Gah! Expensive Shrimp


Fish Herder
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
glenside, pa
Atyopsis Mollucensis. Awesome little critter, but i should not have spent so much on him (her?) I also should have gotten more than one because of how flippin' cool they are, but egad, the pricetag! oh well, no buyer's remorse, just a little bit :S

they were a brand new item in the store, never seen anything but ghost shrimp, so of course i had to immediately buy one. I guess it works out since nothing else i bought was over a dollar -lol-
12 bucks.

but who can put a price on love? :lol:

actually, to be honest i have no idea if this is a decent price for them or not. they certainly are not little at 2-3 inches.
Yeah they're nice, but the £5.99 pricetag is somewhat disheartening.

They're well worth it though - I'm planning on getting a few more very soon.

They're like little recluses, running away from anyone and sifting for food, possibly my favourite thing in the aquarium :)
that's what i figured on the price, but when you happen to have the only ones in the local market, it's easy to set the price standard -lol- besides, they really are awesome. and HUGE. what's their bioload like in reference to other shrimp? still relatively small?
picture time!


they get pretty tame after a while of this treatment :lol:
well, that doesn't really surprise me. I mean, your common veil tail betta ranges from 1.99 in some areas to i think almost 7+ in others. My Petco at the moment doesn't carry any shrimp. They had ghost shrimp at one point, but don't appear to have them any longer. The Petsmart sells them for thirty cents. As for the wood shrimp, well, they are the only store in the area that carries them, and this is the first time they've ever had them in. If you ask me either someody requested they order them, or someone said "look at these enormous shrimp. no one sells them around here" and Petsmart said "hmm... some fool will buy them no matter what we charge" :lol:
Loveley :good: and for $12 not a bad price considering they cost the equivalent of around $18.50 here !!

They really enjoy a nice current in which can sit and fan their little hands to filter bits in the water.
picture time!


they get pretty tame after a while of this treatment :lol:

I can get those for $8 each. They are really huge 2-3 inches. If anyone wants some, drop me a pm. Shipping is $5 for priority or $30 for express overnight. USA only. Shipping is flat rate so if you want more than one, the shipping charge will still be the same. (in other words, shipping is combined if you want more than 1)
18, huh? i wouldn't have bought 'im for that much :blink: this morning he was sitting in front of the intake pipe for the filter waiting for the daphnia to fall into his"arms".

as for the 8 dollar guys, that'd be nice if i were in the area, but for me shipping would bring it to more than what i spent on this one.

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