Gabriel's Spawn -- Adoption Thread!

Why thank you Synirr. I was just informed one of the males I'm getting is a copperish gold color/ red finned DT! :hey:
Any lavender DTs, syn? I don't care about the sex, I just want a lavender DT.
Will you have any Dt's left for adoption? I'd love to get a couple, mabe even a couple ST's. To add to my collection of synirr babies. I got 8 females, and 2 males from you last time. Still looking for the perfect colors to breed. Most interested in Green, gold, copper, orange, Clear/white, and marbles. :wub:
There are plenty more, I'm just not ready to get rid of them yet... I'm sorting through them bit by bit ;)

flautist -- I've got a couple that look kinda lavender marble-ish. I'll snap some pics sometime.

Come on guys, #2 is still waiting for a home!

Sorry, I can't let this thread go in the pages. I like adoption threads so much.
Hey Synirr, I know you don't really have females sexed yet, but have any idea when they will be ready? Sorry, as you know, I'm impatient, which is a bad trait I wish I could get rid of. I'm kinda obsessed with the new guy I'm getting, I printed out his picture and it's hangning in my room! I'm not kidding :lol:
OA.... quit it. Plz kthx :p
They'll be ready when they're ready.
:) I'm waiting patiently for the masks. I didn't forget about that green one I saw last time you posted pics.

Are any of these going on aquabid?
Oh yes, they'll be on Aquabid... some are marbling :D

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