fastforward about 3 million years.....
plant wise nothing has really happened, plants nearly reaching the top im debating whether to trim it all down or to wait and let them break the surface.
another hatchet has jumped ship after adding 5 glass catfish, poo guy must have gotten spooked, blueprints are in the making for a hatchet fence....
one of my favorite fish died, one of the male boesemanis that i so dearly cherished, and the deformed he/she one is on the way out too, im suspecting genetic problems and old age. ill reveal my plans for further fish stocking further down.
bought a pair of zebra wildtype angels, probably from same parents and proabably the same gender but what can you do, i was going to get soe phillipine blues but too much money on shipping (always the shipping grrr) plus id have to get 6 to actually get a pair or two and im pretty sure the 55 wont handle that many potential 8" tall fish...unless someone can tell me otherwise
the angelicus loach the 55.....#129###... no more bottom dwellers, from now on its clams and that one catfish.
last but not least, updating the stocking since i will be going away to college and after going to a tennis camp and staying overnight in the dorms i have concluded that i cannot fit my 55 in a dorm unless i murdered my roomate and put the tank on their bed or got an apartment. so since i have to leave the tank at "home" im just going to leave the stock at the species i have now and just bump the schools up to 6 and if its already at 5 ill leave it.
1 hatchet, forever alone, lol jk ill get friends
4 praecox, may just get another female and another male for breeding
4 boesemani rainbows, if deformo dies ill be left with 1 male and 2 fems, so proabably going to get another male and 2 more females
4 gold barbs, not gonna replenish these guys when they go they go, but would buy 8 more in a heartbeat if i had a bigger tank
1 stripped rapahel catfish, only need one lol
2 angels, again debating whether or not to get the phillipines, but since i only need 1 pair idk what to do with the other 6, also dont know how big they have to be to form a pair so... some help!
1 oto, forever alone, only oto to have survived for some wierd reason
5 glass catfish,not gonna bump em up
so potentially 31 fish at the least, currently have 24, maximum of 37 if i get the angels
dam thats alot of fish
also, i may have run into 750$ + 14/15 years of intrest so if thats true there will be a large fish splurge and i can finally get the tank to look half as good as everyone elses.
one last note, due to my new addiction to sparklign water (thanks alot belgium) i placed two empty glass bottles in the tank on the side where the wisteria was supposed to be, looks good tbh ill let your guys judge if i ever get pictures on here.