Future Fry Colors


Fish Addict
Jul 16, 2011
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i got a female betta who is full of eggs and will be one of the fish that i will breed with george. George is the stereotypical blue betta and the female has a white body with purple fins. would the fry be white/blue/purple, or either blue or purple/white?

thanks :good:
does your blue have any red on him? the female sounds cambodian colour which is a result of red loss gene.

Red is the most dominant colour in bettas, the slightest trace and you'll get a majority of red offspring
hmm interesting, i would presume they would be blue or red. Does it matter which type of Betta's are breed together.. like half-moons and crowntails or veil tails with crowntails.. will they produce? i know veiltail are not a desired type and may produce a wonky batch of fry bc of how they are breed for shops.
my male has is blue and has a hint of red in him.
my female looks like she is a cambodian betta with the white body and purple/pinkish fins
and i dont think it matters what trpes you breed together but mine are both VT anyway
if you breed ANY strain with a VT you will get a heavy VT spawn as its most dominant.

IMO its best not to breed VTs as, like you say they are everywhere and other more 'showy' strains are becoming highly popular, people are now more willing to pay the bit extra for better quality fish.
Oh i see then. When i got my betta i didn't really know all about these VT's being unpopular want. I chosen whatever i felt was healthy and alive. My local petshop here changes their cups every 2-3 days. Their cups are actually larger maybe the size of 2 cups together or so. But they do have some free swimming in the larger tanks so that's nice of them.
IMO its best not to breed VTs as, like you say they are everywhere and other more 'showy' strains are becoming highly popular, people are now more willing to pay the bit extra for better quality fish.

i know VT's are not the most wanted type but i dont want to get pricey HM etc and have it not work. :look: if i can breed my pair(s) (and get more$$- not from selling the fry, but like from getting a job-) then i will go on to get HM etc, you know? :blush:
I understand completely what your saying, theres so many reasons a pair may not work but IMO your best to start with quality my 1st pair were a DTHM & HM
I understand completely what your saying, theres so many reasons a pair may not work but IMO your best to start with quality my 1st pair were a DTHM & HM

Agreed. My first pair were a Plakat and a Combtail.
When I first got into bettas I bought a couple pairs from a local pet shop to practice with till I got it down and then got online and bought a couple good pairs. I figured it was better to work with the cheeper fish till I KNEW I could do it right rather than spend alot of money and fail or loose a fish, which we all know sometimes happens when spawning bettas. LOL

I'm a bit rusty on my betta genetics, which is bad cause I studied hard and bred them for years, but I have an older copy of the IBC's Technical Assistance Library that has tones of info on it. I'll try to find time to dig through it for the genetic information soon and try to get it posted on my website. May take a while cause theres hundreds of articles in it to sort through, but I'll have it up and posted eventually. I've been rebuilding and updating my site so some of the pages are down right now. Takes alot of time and patience to put those things together sometimes as I try to make it as easy to understand as possible. You could try searching "Betta Genetics" online and see what comes up.
I used to have several of different species and colors and I bred them, but I've been out of the hobby for a couple years now and am just getting back into the swing of things so I dont have any atm, but hopefully I'll be getting at least a couple species this summer. The one in the photo is a wild specimen I collected while I was living in North Carolina. I never got to ID the species. The photo is particularly awesome so I thought it would make a good avatar.
nice, i have been wanting to breed - if you want to call it that- wanting to breed marbled crays. but i dont think i can get another tank so i will have to wait! :#
i do have 2 nice males but i dont know what species they are ????
Chances are if you got yours in a pet shop their either P. Clarkii or P. Alleni. Occasionally you come across an aussie cray though. You should be able to find a crayfish forum through www.bluecrayfish.com and if you have a camera and can get good photos they will help you identify your crays species and sex.

Marmorcrebs are pretty cool. I had one a couple years back who produced babies on a regular basis. N your right breeding isnt quite the word for something that can produce all by itself. LOL If you get them please keep in mind how large a responsibility they can be due to their asexual nature. I find it interesting that they are not found anywhere in nature and noone really knows where they come from other than being discovered in a laboratory in Germany.

As per you needing tank space for them, there are alot of people who keep them in clear plastic storage containers with lids and sponge filters. Their cheep and easy to clean! I've even used such containers to grow out batches of betta and killifish fry and being as you can get a pretty large one for under or around $10 its a pretty good deal!
If you get them please keep in mind how large a responsibility they can be due to their asexual nature.
yeah they are a pretty serious pet but if i have too many babies, then i can freeze them and give them to my crays :blush: .

i will have to look up the species of crays you gave me but it is hard to describe them. one was brown when it was a baby and now he has blue claws and blue highlights- not a blue cray though. i do know for a fact that both are male.

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