'furry' Bogwood In Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2012
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hey guys ive got some 'furry' clearish stuff on my bogwood in my tank,

water ammonia levels is zero pH, nitrite and nitrate is fine and everything is good from what i can test waterwise.

so what could be my problem? heres a pic:


will it need to be treated or will my shrimp eat it?

is it dangerous?
Sweet, I had myself panicked as I always do when it comes to oddities and my fish...

I want them to be safe!

Thanks for reply buddy
It looks like mould. I would be tempted to take it out and running it under the tap clean it with an un-used kitchen scourer.
I don't want to mess my new shrimp around though, there's like 20 hiding in and around that wood!
My old Redmoor Wood did the same thing, woke up one morning and it was like I had a small sheep sat in the tank :crazy: Just tonnes of white glupy muck stuck to every square inch of it, but it soon went away itself and from what I've read, it isn't dangerous, just not the nicest look for a tank.
I had stuff similar to this on my swamp root. I think mine was caused by sap leaving the wood. It was mostly on the ends where it had been cut. Anyway it sorts itself out after a few weeks. No need to panic!

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