
sorry for hijacking: I may adopt a 4 month old male, and was wondering what's the best way to introduce him to another male? I haven't got either atm if that helps


Male guinea pigs are more difficult to get to live with one another, because they are highly stung and will try and mate with anything. I currently have 3 adult boars living together, but I also have a boar living on his own. The best thing to try is a younger piglet, but you may be stuck with two pigs living in separate cages.

Any more piggy questions?

Emma x

well yeah tbh, he will be alone whilst I'm in school and obviously whilst I sleep. Will there be lots of problems if he is on his own?

also do you agree with breeding guineas (I don't want to btw)

From what I've read, you can sometimes place a male and spayed female together, though I supposed it'd be ideal if both were fixed so that the male doesn't hassle the poor 'gal. Everything I read while researching for my boyfriend's piggie suggested that two males is always a crapshoot and often ends in some bad behavior and seperate cages.
As for breeding... I suppose if you think about guineas like any other animal, it is fine to breed so long as you have the knowlege, time, money, space, and know you can find suitable homes and keep any animals you can not place. And of course, you would want to use guinea pigs from reputable breeders who come from a healthy line, not some pet store piggie with an unknown background.

Interested in hearing the words of more experienced piggy owners on this too!
yeah its just because certain guinea pig forums are very against breeding because there are so many of them in rescue centres. I don't want to keep him by himself because I just think that's a little harsh
I sometimes breed my Guinea Pigs, the last litter I had was back in June, I kept the piglets. You have to remember if you are going to breed you need to find homes for the little ones.
I am a moderator on Guinea Pigs World, its not anti breeding.

As for the piggy being on its own during the day, I am sure he will amuse himself, make sure he has some toys and plenty to eat and drink.

If you can afford to, its best to get him neutered, not a sow, its an intenstive operaton, going into the body cavity, boars are easily neutered. They go out any buy him a nice girlfriend. I paid around £30 when I got my boar neutered.

Anything else?

Emma x
Emma, Furball is gorgeous, she looks very much like my Toffee, who is nearly a year old now. Here she is.


and with her sister Peppa.


thanx for all the info. i have studied on guinea pigs and the cage im getting very soon =]

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