

New Member
Nov 26, 2006
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here are some pix of my guinea pig, furball. i got her in september from my frined and she was born in august.

shes eating!










hope u enjoyed looking at furball! =] =]
She is a little cutie. :D Thanks for sharing pics.I love her coloring.
Thank you! i love her colors also lol. her mom is whiter and her brothers are a darker brown color. shes the unique one. shes such a sweetie! ill post new pix soon!
I got a question -_- is that guinea pig in a aquarium , if it is , it need to get out of there , a aquarium is not suitable for a guinea pig , a wire cage with plastic bottom is better :)
yea it is an aquarium. my friend brought her to me unexpected so i had no place to put her. so rite now she is in the aquarium. im saving up money to buy her a cage but i have to keep buying turtle, fish and guiea pig stuff...
How big is the aquarium? I had a GP live a very long and very healthy life in a 55g aquarium. Im not sure what you see them in at your LFS's but here in the states all the keep them in is aquariums. I woulnd't worry about it to much as long as it is big enough and sturdy enough!
Cute pics BTW!
thanx =]

i have her in a 10 gallon becuz i had my turtles there at first but then it cracked o nthe bottom. my friend gave her to me and i didnt have no where to put her so shes in there-for now.i im getting her a cage soon tho =]
Cute face!!!

I had a piggy once, maaan are they noisy!!! :blink: Squee squee squee all night!

rofl! lol yes when she first came, she was squeaking all nite long! i couldnt sleep! so she was forced to sleep in the kitchen :D but finally she stoppedsqueaking. allthough now she climbs out of the tank... =]
Im not sure what you see them in at your LFS's but here in the states all the keep them in is aquariums.
I'd have to refute that; I've been all over the United States, and the only places I've ever seen guinea pigs in aquariums are in the same kind of pet stores that sell puppy mill dogs and mix genders in rodent cages. Most guinea pigs are kept in ages, as they are supposed to be for the sake of aeration. That isn't to say that a very large aquarium like you had is problematic, nor is the fact that this person temporarily needs to keep hers in one while she buys a cage.

I think a guinea pig cage sounds like a good request for a christmas present ::nude nudge:: :)
Cute guinea pig! Though I'm surprised that she doesn't chew that plastic bottle! My boyfriend's piggie chews everything.
lol no shes not getting a friend. unfortunately i cant have more than one guinea pig lol i snuck her int o the house sorta but now shes a pet

and yea guinea pig cage was on my list :D

lol no shes not getting a friend. unfortunately i cant have more than one guinea pig lol i snuck her int o the house sorta but now shes a pet

and yea guinea pig cage was on my list :D
She is a lovely piggy, looks like she is a Cream and White Dutch, but very mismarked.

Like the others have said I personally would not recommend keeping her in an Aquarium, they are not the best cages for Guinea Pigs, like you have said previous, this is only a temporary cage.

Here are a few examples of cages I would recommend....


This cage can be made very cheaply, visit the website: Cavy Cages



I would not recommend a cage with a mesh bottom, this could damaged your Guinea Pigs feet. I wouldn't recommend using a ball for her either, this can damage their backs. Guinea Pigs bodies are not like hamsters or chinchillas.

Have you thought about getting another sow (female) to live with her? Guinea Pig are very social animals, I currently have a small herd of 5 living together, they have there squabbles but who doesn't?

Any questions, I am here to help, I have kept guinea pigs for 7yrs now and I am currently the mammy to 16 lovely pigs!

Emma x
sorry for hijacking: I may adopt a 4 month old male, and was wondering what's the best way to introduce him to another male? I haven't got either atm if that helps

sorry for hijacking: I may adopt a 4 month old male, and was wondering what's the best way to introduce him to another male? I haven't got either atm if that helps


Male guinea pigs are more difficult to get to live with one another, because they are highly stung and will try and mate with anything. I currently have 3 adult boars living together, but I also have a boar living on his own. The best thing to try is a younger piglet, but you may be stuck with two pigs living in separate cages.

Any more piggy questions?

Emma x
that is one cute piggie. When I introduced my 2 boys, one was already 8 months old and I got a new baby boy. I cleaned the cage at home really well with hutch cleaner and replaced everything so there was no scent. I had my boy in his run in the garden whilst I fetched the baby. The lady in the shop was fab she put olbas oil on my baby pig on his rump and his head.. he smelt divine. She told me to put him in the cage put olbas on my boy and put them together with lots of food. They had a bit of a moan at each other but within 30 minutes they were best of pals. Sometimes they argue but I just put olbas oil on their rumps and they are OK! :good:

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