funny thing happend this morning


Jun 17, 2003
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Feltham - London
Today when i was doing a water change in my goldfish tank as u do........ I was keeping an eye on the water coming out of the tank into the bucket when i felt something sucking on my thumb.. :hyper: and there was my comet trying to eat me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: mad fishy :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
anyone else been attacked by there fish? :lol:
YUP :lol: All my fish when I am doing something in the tank they all fight to see who is gonna eat my finger!!! :hyper:

Even my Pleco "Fred" comes to the top of the tank to check me out!! :lol: He hasnt yet sucked my finger :lol: :lol: :lol: :crazy:

Reminds me of one time my partner (who likes to look at the tank but doesnt involve himself in the maintainance) was using a little beaker full of water and defrosted brineshrimp to feed the fish in our tank and I distracted him at the wrong second, when he looked back there was a mollie in the little pot he was holding, he jumped so much he nearly threw the poor fish across the room, not sure who was more scared, but the mollie has been a bit more reserved in greeting things entering the tank since.
i had my blind cave fish tryin to give me a nasty suck 1 time :lol:

next time tho he did feel like he had developed some teeth...he musta got the taste for me hahahaha
I have been bitten on numerous occasions and when my fish bite they draw blood :-( . I have had my snakehead leap from the water and attach its self to my hand (well i deserved thet one, i was teasing it with a piece of chicken :lol: ), ive ended up wearing a needle fish as a finger puppet when removing floating leaves from the waters surface and my arowana tries to get me every time i put my hand in the tank. And who said fish keeping was a noce safe hobby :lol:
I was gravel vacuuming the other day and was turned talkin to my friend for a minute, and I certainly got a nice nip. Turned around and my tiger barb was getting a huge kick out of checking out my hand. He wasn't done either - he tried to eat me at least 3 more times. I was reduced to chasing the mean lil fish around the aquarium in order to get him to leave me alone, for a few seconds at least. He's persistant, I'll give him that. Not to mention... hungry? hahaha... and not scared in the least. :rolleyes:

CFC - wow you have had some interesting experiences haven't you!! :lol: haha guess that'll teach ya not to tease the poor... mean.. fishies. :p
The Guppies and Zebra Danios who are always hanging out at tank top try to get in the water sampling tube every morning - probably in anticipation of the food that follows the ammonia test.

The guppies will happily bump my fingers and the baby plecos have already figured that I don't hurt when adjusting tank bottom. I have to gently nudge them if they are sitting on the plant I am maintaining. I tickle their tails (as I don't want to upset their slime). They move off - but reluctantly.......
my wife doesn't like fish much (nice to look at and all that!). while she was helping me break down my first ever tank to move house, i netted my largish male blue acara and put him towards the bag she was holding he wriggled about in the net, my wife almost dropped the bag just as i was putting him in it. needless to say she remembers him trying to "eat her finger" and didn't speak to me for days afterwards as it (naturally) was my fault as i had made him wriggle about!!!!
another time on holiday in greece she was trying to play with a frisbee but couldn't because she had seen a fish earlier and they had no right to be there (needless to say her father "forgot" to tell her that one of them had nipped his toe until after we got home!!!!!) :lol:
My goldfish and tropical try to eat my arm when i'm gravel cleaning!!!!! (I have a deep tank about 18 to 21inches) even though they have been fed!!!!! They could eat until the cows come home.
I've been regularly bitten by guppies. Not a very impressive injury, I must confess.
Used to have a couple of tiger oscars about 12" long and a pleco about 14" long, always em trying to latch onto my arm when cleaning, quite a bit younger then, used to scare the hell out of me :unsure:

Would love some more now though, just need a big enough tank
I hand feel my betta so whenever I do any kind of tank maintence, he thinks it's feeding time (who blames him? :)). It's gotten to the point that he actually attaches himself to my fingertips and pulls, as though he's trying to run away with a bite! He's never hurt me although we've startled each other. He's full of character! :D :p :wub:

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