funny story

well must say if all that was known i can admit i would not have been so jumpy...... sorry! :blush:
Had you told the second half of your story at the beginning, the outcome would have been different. I still don't think it's funny, but it is an interesting story. I also let my fry fend for themselves in my community tank and it is survival of the fittest. We are all fish lovers here so to hear of someone purposely letting their fish fight to the death does upset most of us and I don't think that you can blame us for jumping to the wrong conclusions. I am sure that you are a brilliant aquarist that can teach many of us lessons on fish keeping and I hope that you understand our reaction to the first part of your story. :)
I am here to help Semper Fi, I knew what was going to happen.. :lol: :lol:

I have a Red Devil story. When I moved, I had to sell my pair of Devils, I would not be able to have the room for them right away. I took them to an lfs, and he took them off my hands. I tried to explain to him that putting them in his Jack Demsey tank was a bad idea. He told me that if two red devils couldn't hold their own against five Demseys, it was their problem. I was disturbed at the thought of my Devils getting hurt, and a day and a half later, went to get them back after figuring out how I might be able to house them. I looked in the tank, no Demseys! Turns out, the first night, the Devils killed three of them outright! Owner had to take the remaning two out before they got killed. He told me he already had them sold, so I didn't get them back. Boy, did they look healthy!! lol

As soon as the pride in his Demseys was overshadowed by the aggresiveness of the Devils, his senses come back to him, and he admitted he should have listened to me.
well, i have to take some of the blame for the confusion. i go to many forums and forget which ones i am new to. just forget where i am. have told the story quite a few times and forget that i am new here. so i do take some of the blame.

another bad fault of mine is that i type faster than i think and do not reread over what i have typed :/ does that make sense. i felt bad that the story offended everyone. i wanted to clear it up. when i just reread my last post i felt like i came off like a royal b _ _ _ h. did not mean that either.

just did not want to be lumped in with the ones who do abuse any animal or use them for sick sport.

ah well some of us have only just learnt about some of these fish people are on about( me for one ) gonna look up about the devils thou....

just looked must admiot that fish looks kinda cool! 12 inches fair size i guess thats the biggest they get......
no, depending on their diets. they can get up to 18" or so. it is one of the smaller of the south americans. they are very aggressive but there are several fish that are more aggressive. the RD is just more common than the others.

the dovii in the wild feeds on RD fry and will even take on adults when threatened.
18" wow! and thats the small of the speices crumbs whats the biggest then! thats some fish!! :look: :fun:
probably the pacu which can come in at about 36". mostly a vegetarian, but will also eat meat. pretty peaceful fish. cousin to the pirannha. has some nasty teeth in the front of it's mouth. mine is at about 14" and not yet a year old. eats everything in the tank. at feeding time he is the first one there.


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