Funny Looking Shrimp.


Fish Connoisseur
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 14, 2015
Reaction score
I noticed one of my RCS ( one of the few that wont fit in the Bettas mouth) has a white stripe on its back, Never seen this before.
It seems fine otherwise.


Cool thanks, I hope she has young fast as the Betta needs food, LOL
That stripe is nothing to worry about. Some cherry shrimp will have the stripe and others will not, some people breed for the stripe while others deem them culls and only keep "solid" coloured shrimp.
She doesnt have eggs developing as yet, as there is no saddle.
The stripe is normal
some people breed for the stripe while others deem them culls and only keep "solid" coloured shrimp.
I think the white stripe looks good.
Striped cherry

And nonstriped cherry
Nice shrimp.
Thanks, they are a little breeding project I am currently doing.
Yep, completely normal :)

I have a mixture in my tank. Some have stripes and some don't but I don't mind either way. I'm not breeding them for any particular reason(I'd be doing a horrid job if I was trying!) so who really cares? Lol.
so who really cares? Lol.
I am sure my Betta agrees stripe or no stripe they all taste the same.

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