Fungus On Tiger Barb


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2013
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I have fungus on some of my tiger barbs mostly around the gills. 2 dead fish and 2 badly suffering on the bottom. Currently treating tank with 'waterlife white spot and fungus'

My question is though i only got the fish wednesday via an online aquatics through ebay. Could the fish have already had fungus before i had got them? I used a reputable company which i have purchased fish before from with no problems

I had just finished a fishless cycle the week before. Ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0.1. 150 litre tank moderatly planted.
I had purchased 10 tiger barbs and 1 bn pleco. All tiger barbs are suffering a little however the pleco is completely fine.
The tiger barbs are only 1.5 to 2 cm so very small.

It is possible they arrived with the fungus or it was already present on a plant of some sort.

I would recommend quarantining fish before adding them to a tank.
The medication you are using should clear it up though :)

Good luck, TheAquariumGuy
Are you using myxazin and protozin combined? you need to be careful, from memory its half dose of each. Raise your spray bar, or filter outlet above the water line to add extra air to the tank, these meds can make the fish struggle to breath when combined.
Chances are the fish were affected before you got them, did you notice anything on them before adding them to the tank?
Okay thanks for your quick replies!
Just protozin. It says on the bottle do not use within 4 days of using myxazin. I have never used myxazin. 4 fish now dead. One on the bottom. I am convinced it has something to do with the business i purchased them off. The water quality is very good and nothing has been added to the tank or Been sprayed around the tank or anything like that.
But thanks very much for your advice i will take into consideration next time i buy fish.
You could email the business ant tell them what you have told us. They might refund you or give you discount.

It can't hurt to enquire can it?

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