fungus on plec


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2003
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I noticed my new bristlenose pleco has fungus growing all over its back, it is the only one in the tank like that....HELP ME!!!!!!!!!! what do i do... :(
How long have you had it? Has it been settled in for a week or two?

First check water quality, make sure this is at an optimum level. He may have been damaged in some way and the fungus set in and took hold. If it is feeding still then half the battle is won, remove it to a seperate hospital tank and treat with Myxazin (if in UK) or equivalent (if outside UK). I've found that if a hospital tank isn't available a suitably sized plastic tub of some sort can be floated in the tank and the fish treated in that. Make sure water levels are balanced between the tub and tank to reduce the tub from 'flipping', and run a small airline into it. You could secure the tub further by using clips on the side of the tank lip to hold it in place, just to stop it from roaming around the tank with the current.
Bristlenoses are tough fish so hopefully you can pull him back 'round. Good luck :)
I have only had my two bristlenoses for 2 days, one is sick, one is not. I dont have a seperate hospital tank, so im floating him in a floating breeding tank so i can keep track of him. I treated him yesterday with tank buddies fungus clear, and i treated the whole tank because i didnt want my other fish ill either. This morning he is looking a little better than earlier, but where the fungus is/was the skin is raw and very thin??? any way i can treat this as well, keeping in mind i have 3 other adult fish in the tank, and 2 babie mollies ( i know i need a hospital tank).
The raw skin itself could prob. be healed w/ Melafix.
Someone else will have to advise on mixing med's, tho.

btw...this looks kinda like an emergency post.... :unsure:

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