Fish Gatherer
All water tests normal.
50-60% WC and Gravel Clean every weekend.
Nothing new added since long before Xmas.
Seperate nets, Turkey baster, scraper, tongs etc from species tank.
Id not lost a fish from the community tank for months until ten days ago. When a Medaka was found floating with no visible damage so I did an immediate 80%WC and gravel clean.
No problems until yesterday when the Medaka head count was low and one was struggling with a shortened tail fin. I removed the hood to find another Medaka floating dead again with tail fin damage but no other visible problems.
So I did another immediate 80% WC and GC. I also removed the big piece of bog wood in the tank centre to allow me to observe goings on more easily. This seems to have spooked the WCMMs who were weirdly gathered at one end seemingly staring at their reflections in the tank side which had previously been obscured by small bog woods with attached Java fern. They also had lost colour and we’re definitely acting strangely.
The six Medakas were acting normally, two Guppies acting normally while one seemed to have struggle swimming horizontally which hadn’t been noticeable in recent days (possible swim bladder problem?), he was found dead this morning so I did another 80%WC and gravel clean.
Only weirdness now was from the WCMMs and I noticed one had torn tail fins and a white mark on its flank, while doing another WC I attempted to photograph it when the brother of a previous tank psycho bully guppy swam up and bit at injured WCMM. The only pic I managed was just prior to the bite but I’m the judge AND jury round these parts and I’m a hanging one. We won’t be having any more trouble from him, his brother moved four doors away into the old boy on the corners tank but he’s not getting that luxury because while I was tracking him a few mins later he attempted to bite another WCMM.
Anyway thanks for sticking with this and does anyone think the flank white mark is caused by a bite or is it ich or some other problem?
Mine are all temperate fish does @Colin_T much vaunted heat and salt treatment work on them as opinion even on here seems to have varied in the past.
Any ideas?
Heres the pics of white mark and guppy going in for the bite. Apologies for qualpity as it was lit by a temp light. Third pic was first taken and it shows the mark best.
50-60% WC and Gravel Clean every weekend.
Nothing new added since long before Xmas.
Seperate nets, Turkey baster, scraper, tongs etc from species tank.
Id not lost a fish from the community tank for months until ten days ago. When a Medaka was found floating with no visible damage so I did an immediate 80%WC and gravel clean.
No problems until yesterday when the Medaka head count was low and one was struggling with a shortened tail fin. I removed the hood to find another Medaka floating dead again with tail fin damage but no other visible problems.
So I did another immediate 80% WC and GC. I also removed the big piece of bog wood in the tank centre to allow me to observe goings on more easily. This seems to have spooked the WCMMs who were weirdly gathered at one end seemingly staring at their reflections in the tank side which had previously been obscured by small bog woods with attached Java fern. They also had lost colour and we’re definitely acting strangely.
The six Medakas were acting normally, two Guppies acting normally while one seemed to have struggle swimming horizontally which hadn’t been noticeable in recent days (possible swim bladder problem?), he was found dead this morning so I did another 80%WC and gravel clean.
Only weirdness now was from the WCMMs and I noticed one had torn tail fins and a white mark on its flank, while doing another WC I attempted to photograph it when the brother of a previous tank psycho bully guppy swam up and bit at injured WCMM. The only pic I managed was just prior to the bite but I’m the judge AND jury round these parts and I’m a hanging one. We won’t be having any more trouble from him, his brother moved four doors away into the old boy on the corners tank but he’s not getting that luxury because while I was tracking him a few mins later he attempted to bite another WCMM.
Anyway thanks for sticking with this and does anyone think the flank white mark is caused by a bite or is it ich or some other problem?
Mine are all temperate fish does @Colin_T much vaunted heat and salt treatment work on them as opinion even on here seems to have varied in the past.
Any ideas?
Heres the pics of white mark and guppy going in for the bite. Apologies for qualpity as it was lit by a temp light. Third pic was first taken and it shows the mark best.
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