Fundulopanchax Gardneri


Fish Connoisseur
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Norfolk, England
would they be able to go in ether of my tanks (stock in sig) i saw them in my lfs today and thats the first time ive ever seen them in person. i was wondering if they would do ok in the 14g with the apisto because these would stay at the top of the tank and the apisto at the bottom but then i thought 10g might be a little small. if i can get them whats best to keep them in a pair or trio(1m 2f).
thanks :D
Gardneri wont stay at the top of the tank, most killifish wont, maybe only the Panchax types would do that and even then not 100% of the time.
Please specify how your tank is laid out or maybe provide a pic as from your sig you say that you have a breeding pair of Aggie's, Serpae tetra and a divider for the Betta.
o i thought they all stayed at the surface
this is the 14g (10g for the apisto and tetras and 4g for the male betta)

and this is the 30g
My setup is not a natural one, but I keep them outsides in a 3ft X 4ft X 3ft deep pond and they are just multiplying.... I very seldom see them "surface dwelling", but only when I feed they come to the surface.... They are champion jumpers though, so keep your tank well covered.
welll i put a pair in with the apisto they seem to be doing really good. i think they had a little scrap with the apisto last night because there looking a little nippped but apsrt from this they have been fine and they seem to have settled it now are getting along fine.

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