Fully Stocked?

(Quote)One more question off this topic-I saw a penguin bio wheel at the lfs I think it said 10-50 gallon for $42.xx is this a good deal? or should I go with aquaclear....or something else, right now im running a whisper 5-15 gallon, does whisper suck? (qoute)

This is just my opionion but I think any filter that is capable of filtering a 50 gallon will definetly over filter a 10 gallon, just my opionion though
ok, maybe im wrong........but I would use it on the 33 gallon im going to buy........just thought i might catch a deal...........but thanks for posting with nothing pertaining to my question -_-
I have a 55 external and a 20 internal filter on my 55 (the 20 is for cloning new tanks when needed and just incase a fish dies and I don't see it.) I think a 50 filter on a 33 gallon tank should be ok. Make sure that if you have fish that don't like a lot of surface movement (dwarf gourami when mating for example) that you use something to soften the water fall. I've seen contraptions designed to do this before. It looked like a half a piece of PVC pipe siliconed to the outlet of the filter. I believe it causes the water fall to hit the back glass before entering the water therefore decreasing surface agitation. Look into this further if you need to try it.
ok, update, I gave my candy barb to my dad since he was doing most of the fin nipping.

Question is what would you folks reccomend I do now? list now is

1x long fin rosey barb
1x golden rosey
1x flame gourami
1xmale crowntail
1xafrican dwarf frog

this 10 gallon is all I have for now.......and a small plastic betta tank with no heater/filter.....its what he came in....If possible I will add some small none nipping fish.....I recently discoverd a new petsmart in my city........so many fish to choose from.....great place.
Pertaining to tank size, have you considered a 29-gallon? Subtracting 5 gallons for substrate and decorations, you can manage 25" of fish, perhaps a little more if you over-filter it. 29-gallons is a nice size for an apartment; it's the size I always bought. Even though I now own a rather large home, I still have a 29-gallon that is just right from my office, although I am now looking at a 75-gallon tank for the family room downstairs.

I don't know much about African dwarf frogs...how big do they get?
well sometime in the future i will be getting a 33 gallon. Im pretty sure my adf is full grown with a body about an inch + legs.

what do you all reccomend for stocking?
bump.......it takes a long time to get a response on this forum........
well, its a small plastic tank, prolly 1 gallonish that was given to me with the betta in it for xmas.

reccomendations for stocking yet?........I mean 335 hits.......or am I reading it wrong?
You've currently got four rather large fish (for a ten gallon) sharing the same level of the tank. I'd suggest a larger tank for the barbs since they're better kept in a group, the bowl could be set up for the betta (they often have issues with dwarf gourami, you must have a pretty mellow gourami) and that would leave you with more room. If you aren't going to move anything out, you're probably best off waiting until you have a larger tank to stock more fish. I wouldn't do more shrimp with your current setup either since you have a shrimp eater in there somewhere.

With just the gourami and ADF in the tank, you should be able to easily get away with about five dwarf cories or three otos. If you have a sandy substrate, a group of 5 khuli loaches would also be an option, though you wouldn't see them as much as the cories. If you went with the oto option, you could probably also get away with a group of small tetras like neons, about five maybe? You may also be able to get away with a group of small tetras with the cories or loaches. I find that cories have great personalities, and little neons bring a great deal of color for a very small fish, just make sure you do groups of them so that they feel more secure and swim around for you. If you really don't want to move the betta, you could probably do a group of the bottom dwellers but no small tetras.

Don't know how your tank is decorated, but you can make it look a lot more busy in there by putting in some plants, small rocks and pieces of bogwood. I find it makes the tank look a bit more "full" and my fish are more active in well decorated tanks so there's more movement.

Hope that gives you some ideas! I have a ten gallon setup with a betta, four neons and an amano shrimp that all get along well, its much more difficult to stock the smaller tanks. I started out with a 25 gallon and an 80 gallon several years ago, now all my tanks are under 25 gallons and its much more difficult to work out stocking to get a nice balanced looking tank, it takes a lot more planning beforehand.
Ok, I gave back the long fin rosey barb, he was pretty mean......and grows to 5" or so.....And ya, my gourami is awesome!! I've never ever seen him be aggressive.

setup NOW is:

-1 Flame Gourami
-1 Crowntail
-1 Golden rosey<peaceful so far
-3 glowlight tetras
-1 ADF

24 watts flourescent light
aluminum plant
and an unknown plant, its quite big with sword like leaves
big piece of bog wood
2 decors
and some small polished rocks gravel substrate

thanks for the reply Tessla :drinks:

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