Thanks for the Ram temperature consideration, although all my reference books and a lot of internet sources say 24-30C, so my 25-26 would be too low?
Anyway, I agree the 6 skirt tetras and 6 peppered cores took a lot of my capacity in the 100 litre. The skirt tetras were never intended for a community aquarium, in fact I got them about a year ago for my son's small 20 litre tank before I knew anything about fish keeping. It was that tank that got me interested and wanting to expand, so since the poor things had survived a fish-in cycle when I first got them, I felt obliged to looked after them and let them have the relative luxury of the 100 litre which was fishless cycled! Although if I could find a decent home for them locally, I probably would, since there are many other interesting, smaller, species I'd like to keep, such as harlequins, embers, blue tetras, congas, etc. The six peppered corys were well researched, in that I wanted to do what was right and wanted corys, so got a decent sized group of the exact same species. A couple of months later, I'd do it differently - although they are the most interesting little characters, mine are not shy at all, and tend to hang around in pairs, so six was probably unnecessary in hindsight. If I was buying corydoras now, I'd probably by two pairs or trios of different cory species, maybe julii and sterbai. My two platys are doing well in the slightly alkaline water, although I'd probably opt for more shoaling fish as mentioned above if I was starting from scratch now. The neons have been with me for 2 days now, and they're very young, so although I'd be disappointed to lose any, realistically I should expect to have a mature group of maybe eight or so. Reading through all that, I guess I'm a prime candidate for the dreaded MTS!!!!