

Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2006
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i have a baby mollie/platty, not to sure yet. he is about 1.5 cm big, he is in a breeding box.

I have a community tank with the biggest fish just 6 cm. (mollie)

how big does this baby need to be to make sure it is not dinner??

Thank you.
I have a molly fry that is just under 1 inch long (will be 4 weeks old tomorrow). I just released him into the tank with an adult molly and 4 peppered cories. So far no problems. The adult female molly has looked at the fry a few times, but then just swims away.
I lost 5 danio fry a couple of weeks ago. about 3/4 inch long - too big to be eaten. I spent ages covering up the top inlet holes to the filter (jewel) with a piece of tights.

Within 10 minutes they had all been sucked into the bottom holes that I hadn't blocked. :sad:

I didn't notice the bottom holes until it was too late. It's a fairly new tank and I've got plants hiding the bottom holes.

I was gutted. :-(
I lost 5 danio fry a couple of weeks ago. about 3/4 inch long - too big to be eaten. I spent ages covering up the top inlet holes to the filter (jewel) with a piece of tights.

Within 10 minutes they had all been sucked into the bottom holes that I hadn't blocked. :sad:

I didn't notice the bottom holes until it was too late. It's a fairly new tank and I've got plants hiding the bottom holes.

I was gutted. :-(

I have just found my Peppered Cory in the Filter. Brownius Breadius. I can't find one of my Albino cories either, but no dead body in the filter. I am wondering if this thing is picking my stock off one by one as while doing the water change I could only count eight neons. :rip: :byebye:
If the fry can fit into the mollies mouth, it might end up there.

If you've got lots of plants for the fry to hide in, it'll have a better chance at survival.

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