Hi all,
It's time for a new thread.
I have that lovely blond guppy, that previously gave birth and the fry so far turned out looking very good. So 21 days after, she was looking really due... Since the first time I only saw 4 survivors, I decided to move out her 3 tank mates in my bigger tank, to give her some space and be able to save more fry. The moment I did that, she started hanging around the filter and heater on one spot and looking really stressed. I thought it is because she is close to giving birth and wasn't worried too much. And I was right, the next morning there were fry in the tank, and the guppy was still looking stressed. I started collecting them, there were about 10, but the fry could not swim!! They were in by breeder tank with their yolk sacs still attached and looking very premature. I thought they would all die, but they all survived( I killed one by accident when moving them from one breeder trap to the other).
I waited about a day or two for the mother to recover, but she was looking even more stressed, standing on one spot all the time. Then I thought she is maybe missing her buddies, so here she went to the big tank where her previous tank mates were moved. Well, I could nearly see that fish smiling I am telling you, straight after that she joined the group of her friends and never looked stressed any more.
Unfortunately, 3 of the blonde and 1 of the grey fry she gave birth to turned out to have bent spines. All of tthese fry are not growing really fast, although the rest of the fry in the same tank born from the same female and my other females are corouring and growing rapidly, so it is not the tank conditions, but rather them being premature. Of course, they were half the size of a normal fry, but still..
However, what's done is done. Since I don't really want guppies with deformities to pass on the genes, I recently decided to move them to the adult tank to get eaten(cruel I know). Well, they are there for a week now and are happilly surviving the constant chases of the adult females, which seem to be less and less severe now. The fry are even swimmming freely in the open now.
So there is no way I can cull them/kill them. I don't have the heart for it. Although not great looking, they are happy and healthy looking in a way.
What would you guys do if you were me?